You may call me Scratchy McScratcherson.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I seem to have lost my point of view when it comes to writing. I used to be able to think of something to write about and then sit down tell the story and be done with it. The story was out of my brain and I could get on with my life. Now, however, I think of something to write but can’t figure out which way to tell the story. So I write nothing and the stories are backing up in my brain. It's like a traffic jam of thoughts and it's getting all smoggy and congested up there.

This is very annoying because I have lots to tell you. Like… I went to the horse races for the first time and got in trouble from security for going somewhere I shouldn’t have to get a picture of a ceramic lawn jockey. Sweet. Go me.

Plus, I’ve been painting and drawing and sewing and embroidering. And I went horseback riding. And I’ve baked (and eaten) lots of super yummy (and bad for me) chocolate chip cookies. And I’ve been playing lots of video games…because I’m apparently a 13 year old boy.

Oh, and various other things have been going on too.

See...I have stories to tell...just wish I could figure out the way I want to tell them. Well, I guess I should start and let the words figure themselves out.

I’ll start small.

Last night I was bitten by an evil mosquito. I must have been quite tasty because it bit me 7 times on the left side of my forehead (yes, I counted). I hope its feeling bloated and regretful today like I always do when I overeat the night before because that little sucker (pun intended) did quite the number on me. I now have a pretty impressive collection of welts. In fact, if you know of any teeny tiny mogul skiers needing a place to practice…send them over. They would have fun and help scratch what is becoming a very intolerable itching situation.

Wow…when I just showed Kevin my forehead he said “Oh my….you were a feast!”

I feel so beautiful right now.

And itchy.

The end.

Ps…I promise to write more this week. Because I know you miss me. I miss you.


Heather said...

Oh, you poor thing!! All mosquitos are evil and I welt up like that too. It must've been all those chocolate chip cookies sweetening up your blood.

So much to comment on...I have the same problem with stories getting backed up in my brain and I don't know how to get them out. It's frustrating. However, now I'm dying to hear about the horse races and what you've been sewing. I sew too. And I play the Wii like a prepubescent boy myself. I'm having a torrid love affair with Super Mario Galaxy. You. are. not. alone.

Emily said...

mosquitoes are's true...

I'm in a blogging funk, too. no worries