House sold...emotions unraveling cont'd

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So here is the continuation of the rollercoaster of my past two years. Here’s the deal though…yesterday I spent about 2 hours perfecting what I had to say. It was 3 pages long. But for some reason after I cut the part that I wanted to use for yesterday’s post I didn’t save the rest of it. I don’t want to try to recreate what I wrote yesterday because once it’s out of my brain it’s pretty much gone for good.

Here’s the first part of the thrown together version.

To sum up…Kevin and I bought a house, 3 weeks later we brought home a beautiful black fuzz ball of stress named Lucy.

After a while we got in a groove with Lu and life was chugging along nicely. I was at a job that I hated but I loved the people so that made it ok. Kevin and I were working towards goals and once those goals were met I would be able to quit working and go back to school. But then all of that came to a screeching halt when we were presented with an opportunity that seemed to good to pass up.

The really short version of that is that I had a chance to open a consignment clothing boutique in a fantastic location in Downtown Boise for $500 a month. So after much prayer we felt like “what the heck, let’s do it!" In fact I had a really great peace about it. That is until it all fell apart about a month away from opening. The landlady was ooooolllllldddd and hadn’t kept up with building codes and the city would have made her do around $75,000 in retrofitting for us to be able to open. For some reason, she didn’t think that spending that amount of money for $500 a month seemed like a good idea. I don’t know why.

It was weird though because even after everything blew up, I still felt at peace with our decision to follow it through as far as we did. But what to do next? My heart had already made the switch from legal assistant to boutique owner. The idea of going to back to my legal assistant job (which my wonderful attorney said I could) made me want to cry. I couldn’t do it. So I left a job where everyone felt like family to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up.

While I was doing my figuring, my MIL said I could work for her at her consignment store. It was a great opportunity to do something different and as I left my job on the last Friday of last June, I was filled with such excitement and joy for the future. I had no idea what was on the horizon but I was really excited to find out.

Then 5 days later I was bit by a dog. Literally an ankle biter. There was blood, tears, stitches and several rounds of antibiotics. I had nerve damage, a cankle for 4 months and more pain that I had experienced from something that wasn’t menstrual cramps. I couldn’t walk…I could only hobble feebly. The antibiotics made me sick.

I was sidelined from life. It messed with my head. All of the plans and dreams that I’d had for the summer went quickly down the drain. I went into a pretty big funk and couldn’t get out of it since all the things I normally do to get out of it weren’t options (exercise, cleaning etc) since I couldn’t be physical. The only food that didn’t make me want to throw up were comfort foods so I gained 5 pounds. It was a very frustrating, French fry filled time in my life.
Then about a month into the whole dog bit fiasco, Kevin called me out of the blue when he was on a business trip and asked me if I was open to moving to Texas. I did some research and called him back and said sure, why not! So that got the ball rolling for our move here.

Tomorrow I’ll fill you in on the rest.


Meggie said...

yup.. that's how I remember it too.

Traci said...

Shelley...thanks so much for sharing all of this. I know that's risky and scary, but I'm super glad you're doing it.

I'm so sorry that it's been so hard. My heart is breaking for you as I read this....I had no idea.