Lazy Listy Thursday

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ugh, this week has been one of those that just go on and on and on. I wish it were Friday night I was looking forward to sleeping in. Instead I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear tomorrow and since I haven't done laundry in fooooorever nothing fabulous is coming to mind.


What to write what to write....I'm wanting to post but actual paragraphs seem too involved so its a list for you!

1. After 294 days of ignoring the Wii Fit, we broke him out again and what he told me was quite disheartening. In fact, I may or may not have immediately left for the gym after receiving the news that I somehow gained 10 pounds since the last time I used Wii Fit. And I may or may not be still sulking 3 days (and 3 trips to the gym) later.

I think it was quite a surprise especially because I've been trying to be so good about working out and eating well and think i've lost about 3-4 pounds recently so I wasn't expecting the weight gain that the evil Wii Fit not very gently let me know about.

2. Kevin and I are obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance. Love. Love. Love. I wish all the dancers could stay. What they can do with their bodies BLOWS MY MIND.

3. We are also loving Wipeout. Ha ha. It's so funny to watch those crazy people who are obviously out of shape and think that sheer force of will is going to get them through. It takes an amazing athlete to make it through and win that insane obstacle course. Big Balls!

4. I really want to cut my hair. Like all off up to my chin. I have this urge about every 2 years and regret it every time and spend the next couple years growing it back out and then the urge hits and I do it again convicing myself that this time will be the magical time and it will be wonderful and I will love it. I never do. Ack. But I really really want to!!! Maybe I should just buy a wig.

5. We are currently on a hummus and pita kick here in the Reitz household. We've been buy the giant Costco size and going through it in about about 2 or 3 weeks. We eat hummus and pitas for dinner about 3 times a week. The Super Target near my work sells a super delish whole wheat flat bread that tastes amazing with the hummus. Just talking about it makes me hungry!

Well that's a quick update from me. Hope your week is going faster than mine!


Traci said...

Regarding number 4...I say...Do eet!

A couple of months ago I decided that I needed a big change in the hair department, so I chopped it off to the shoulders. But the cut was bad, so a month later I went back and asked for an A-line cut. So, shorter we went (that's the cut I had in the photos from the wedding).

I hadn't seen the cut from the side (strange, I know) until about a week ago. So last week I went to yet another stylist to see if she could fix it what was actually a horrible a-line cut.

And now. I pretty much have no hair left. Seriously. But it feels really great and I know it'll eventually grow back so I don't really care (I have a very "severe" a line now). It's summer time!

Stacey said...

I love So You Think You Can Dance!!! It's been my favorite summertime show since Zoe was born! Unfortunately, my life has been so busy that I haven't been able to watch any of the finalists...bummer. I wrote all their names down so that I can find them on YouTube and catch up - some day when I get the chance. I REALLY want to watch it! Anyway, so glad that someone else loves the show too. I wish I could dance like 'em!