Making Memories the Good Old Fashioned Way...By Standing Outside in the Cold

Friday, November 23, 2007

I’m not exactly sure when the decision was made but at sometime today Kevin’s siblings & their significant others decided that we would be heading to a large chain store to stand in the cold and try to get good deals when they opened at 9pm this evening.

I was not consulted in this decision.

It’s cold here. And as previously mentioned. I don’t like cold.

But I do like my siblings-in-law.

So I put myself and my need for warmth aside and off we went to make us some memories and bag us some deeply discounted electronics.

Or at least that was the plan.

We apparently didn’t get there soon enough.

There were many many frugal shoppers (or as I like to call them - crazies with too much time on their hands) who had already been there for several hours. After our little group had been standing in line for about 15 minutes we were informed that all the wonderful items that we were patiently freezing/waiting for had already been claimed by the afore mentioned frugal shoppers with lots of free time.

I was, of course, crushed by this devasting blow. But I think I will recover in time as I can lean on the knowledge that we gave it our best and made a memory. Really, isn't that all that matters?

Hmmm...thinking back on it I should have brought my camera. That is what good bloggers do, is it not?

Well, I’ll get the hang of this blogging thing sooner or later, especially if I don’t die of hypothermia standing in line waiting for that mystical $99 laptop or whatever it was we were waiting in line for.