I Refuse to Buy the Next Size Up. No WAY, Jose.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I am full.

Over the past week and a half I have eaten WAY too much.




First, there was Thanksgiving…of which I had to eat TWO. Ah, the loveliness of having both of our families in the same town. Then we came down to Dallas and, holy crap! There are some great restaurants down here. I haven’t eaten at one and thought “BAH, we could make better at home”. Instead, I’ve been thinking about how sad it is that our hotel doesn’t have a mini-fridge for the food that is lingering uneaten on my plate because I can’t fit One. More. Thing. In. My. Stomach!

Steak. Pumpkin Cheesecake. Salmon in garlic butter. Pralines & Cream Cheesecake. Mahi Mahi. Key Lime Pie. Fajitas.

After every meal, Kevin and I would look at each with disbelief. Did we just eat the best meal of our lives, AGAIN? Seriously. I can’t believe how well these Texans can cook!

But at this point, I am so stuffed that just thinking about food makes me uncomfortable…and slightly drooly.

All of this to say, I think I have gained about 5 pounds. The really crappy thing is that I just lost that 5 pounds. And up until the middle of last week I was doing really well with eating right and exercising. I only had 5 pounds to go before I was somewhat pleased with my weight.

This weight thing is something I have struggled with over the past 5 ½ years that I have been married. Pre-marriage, I was IN SHAPE…like really really in shape. I loved going to the gym and I ate the right foods in the right amounts. But after I got married, I decided it was WAY more fun to sit at home and snuggle with Kevin.

I was all “the gym? Hmmm, yah, I should go but it’s so much more comfy here on the sofa with my new hubster!”

The previously tight thighs, butt and abs? Not so tight any more. Things are jiggling in places that really shouldn’t be jiggly and, honestly, it’s just not comfortable.

Since becoming Mrs. Kevin, I have gained between 10-15 pounds which I lose about 7 of every 4 months or so just to gain back again.

This stupid cycle needs to end.

Tomorrow we leave Dallas (at freaking 6 in the morning!!!!!!) and I will begin to implement new eating habits and a healthy exercise plan that will not be a diet but more of a change of life. I actually started it today and did ok…but it is really hard to do when traveling.

But it’s time to finally get serious about it and make a permanent change. No fad diets or anything silly. Just plain common sense. No more soda. No more sugary desserts. No more white carbs. Exercise every day and make the effort to be healthy.


Bye bye, Pumpkin Cheesecake, it was fun while it lasted. I’m glad I licked my plate clean of you.


Kevin said...

Ugh... I agree... too much food and I can't wait to get back to 'normal' life!

Emily said...

Hm...could this be a potential problem moving there? LOL I'm glad you liked the food and well, Texas as a whole :-)