Hi, my name is Shelley and I'm a hermit.
Kevin left on a business trip on Monday. I didn't leave the house ONCE. I was here...by myself... for 4 straight days and other than meeting a neighbor I had no contact with another human.
I know!! Seriously, what is up with that?
Before when Kevin would go on business trips I would go out thrifting or dink around town by myself or hang out with a friend or my mom. Sometimes I would spend the whole time by myself but mostly I would at least attempt to be some sort of participant in humanity. And while I currently have no friends here, couldn't I have gone to the grocery store or Starbucks or something?
I've never been one to have a huge social network. I'm quite happy spending large chunks of time by myself. I turn up the music and dance around while I clean or I read or I just dink around. I'm fine spending days by myself. But I do like to have a friend or two. Someone to laugh with, shop with, talk to at least every week or so. It's really important to have that in life.
Geez, this is just getting sort of pathetic. I need some sort of plan. This is no way to live, that's for sure. Maybe there is some sort of 12 step program for the socially inept that I can participate in?
We are church shopping currently so hopefully we will find one that fits really really soon so we can get plugged in so I CAN HAVE A LIFE again.
I really feel it effecting (affecting?) my personality. I am soooo boring and bleh. I need to get my spaztastic self back.
I know Kevin is really looking forward to me making at least one friend because, poor guy, from the time he walked in the door I was glued to his side. He got potty breaks but that was it. I was soooo starved for human companionship I had to constantly be next to him, touching him, looking at him. It was like "oh!! You are not me! You are someone that I can talk to and you will talk back to me! I can touch you and interact with you. YAY. Hey, don't walk away! Come back! Don't leave me alooooooone!!"
I am such a nerd.
Of bluntness and misunderstandings
7 years ago
Oh Shelley :-)
Honestly though... if I were you and Tyler left out of town and I was in a new place that I didnt know anyone, and really didnt know how to get around town, I would stay home all by myself for 4 days too :-) hehe and Tyler would be SO happy that I do SO much while he's gone ;-)
I would have done the same thing. You've only been there for a few weeks, friends will come!
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