
Thursday, March 13, 2008

I've got my craft room up and running and I've been enjoying my time in there immensely. I think it is my absolute most favorite place EVER (well, I like my new closet a lot too...but that's another post for another day). God has been so amazing in blessing me with a home where I can have my very own room. It is very freeing for me to have a space to leave whatever craft I am working on out and it doesn't make the rest of my house look like Hobby Lobby exploded.

For example....the past couple days I've been painting and it's been so awesome. I have my easel and paints out and just chilling out in the open.

Can you see my secret helper?

Me and my secret helper were hard at work creating a series of fun lil' paintings. They are made with acrylic, some scrapbooking word thingys and then some super fun little self-adhesive rhinestones in the middle of the flowers.

They make me so happy!

So while my craft room is not quite complete (it is needing some finishing touches) I know you are all dying to see what my secret crafty laboratory looks like!

Here ya' go!

That chair in the corner belonged to Kevin's grandma. And even thought it is quite an interesting color, I love it. It is soooo comfy (it rocks...literally!) and it's just my size. I am hoping to make a slip cover for it in the next couple of months.

Does anyone else's spouse try to jump into their photos at the last moment? Mine sure does.

Here is my cute little tv playing one of my favorite movies "Spaced Invaders".

It is soooo cheesy and makes me laugh so hard. Here is a a plot synopsis I found:

"A crew of (dimwitted) Martians overhears a radio broadcast of Orson Welle's 'War of the Worlds' coming from Earth, and, thinking the Martian fleet is attacking Earth, they land their broken-down ship in a backwater mid-American town. As luck would have it, they land on Halloween and get mistaken for trick-or-treaters. Comedy ensues as the Martians try to get taken seriously."

So if you want a little bit of cheese in your life...I highly recommend getting a hold of this movie. But I think you might want to have a couple "secret helpers" of yourself first, if you know what I mean, it might help you to really appreciate the cheese factor. If not, then I suggest you bypass this movie all together.

Ok, well from my craft room to Spaced Invaders, I'd say that pretty much sums up my life right now.

Alrighty well, hugs to you all!

Love ya!


Emily said...

Oh my goodness, I'm SO jealous!! I also ADORE the pictures that you painted. Please tell me that one of those is the remaining part of my Christmas present that I never got :-) Although, I do remember something about an un-cooperative sewing machine and those don't look sewn. Any way, you're super creative and I wish I could make things like that. You're inspiring me from thousands of miles away!

Nicole said...

Oh Shelley I LOVEEE those paintings!!! See, thats what I was talking about in my post about how I wish I could be creative, but I'm totally not! I could never whip up something like that, but I totally wish I could and I always have ideas like that in my head, but they would never come out like that if I attempted them lol, seriously! But I love them very much! I wish we would've done more of this when you lived here, cuz I had no idea you were so good! You could've totally taught me!! Ugh ;-)
Well they're wonderful and I love how you've decorated your room so far too, its very cute and I can't wait to see that room as well! :-)
When Tyler and I come to visit you will HAVE to teach me some crafty things now that I know that you're so amazing! K? :-) hehehe