
Monday, September 13, 2010


I am guilty.

I completely abandoned my blog for months and months.

I am quite certain that I only have one ever faithful sister in law, Emily.


I read that you should blog like you'd talk to you sister so that works out pretty well for me!



I recently acquired a new love. My Iphone. I had no idea how much I could love a piece of technology. But I do. I *heart* it muchly.

One of the first things I did was install several different photography apps and I've been playing around them, seeing what ones I like. It actually takes some decent photos now that I've kind of figured out what I'm doing.

So I've decided to try and take a photo a day and post it up so I can share the little things that make up my life.

I think that this approach might be easier for me to keep up with. We'll see. Fingers crossed!!!


Kyle said... have at least 2 loyal readers - your brother in law is subscribed to it as well! Google reader is the best for checking out people who blog inconsistently like myself.

Shelley said...


Emily said...

I've missed you in the blogging world and I'm glad you're back.

Stacey said...

Hey...I am a loyal reader too! I hadn't checked for the last week 'cause every time I checked for the last four months, it was the same one! YAY - great to catch up!