I blame it all on my comfy pillow.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Yesterday, Kevin and I gave ourselves free passes to be big ole couch potatoes and do nothing but just recoup from our week o' busy back in Boise. So we were bums and had a very relaxing day.

But today was supposed to be different. Today Kevin went back to work and I had BIG plans for productivity. However, my body and brain both didn't get the memo on that one because I woke up at noon and consequently I feel like a big unmotivated nerd.

A stinky nerd too...cuz I still haven't showered.

Or brushed my teeth.

I am so gross.

Moving on.

It was really great to see everyone back in Boise. It was weird that it had been 2 months since we had seen them. But it had been so it was fun to catch up on all the goings on that get missed in telephone conversations.

I got to see my nephew, MADDOX! He is one-ish now and highly mobile. And chatty. I had fun chasing him around.

He wasn't too thrilled about being held in that picture. He wanted to use those legs, not be forced into a photo-op. Geesh!

In addition to walking and lots of talking, he is into sharing. Which is so nice of him because baby slimed crackers are the BEST. You don't have to chew them as much.

I also got to see my good friend, Meg's boy, Cole. He is almost 3 months and very sweet. And he didn't puke on me once, which made holding him even better!

I was bummed, though, because there were several people that I really wanted to get together with but our schedules didn't' quite match up. I figured that I would have enough free time in order to do everything that I wanted to. Wrong. I was BUSY (I was also grumpy and tired, but that's another story). Oh, well, we will be back again soonish and I will be better about my time management.

This week will be all about getting caught back up on all my responsibilities here. So if I'm supposed to e-mail, call, leave a comment on your bog or otherwise be in contact with you....I will be I PROMISE. I just need to, you know, shower and otherwise become a productive member of society before NOON (or at this point 1 pm).

I have high hopes for tomorrow.

*edited to fix a stupid typo and to fix stupid blogger formatting issues.


Nicole said...

:-( we should've taken a picture together so you could've put it on here. have we even ever take a picture together? besides at my wedding and bridal shower?

Shelley said...

um...no. We are lame. Let's put that on a to do list for the next time I am up there.

I do have a picture of me annoyingly using the knocker thingy at your apartment. Does that count?

Nicole said...

Hahaha, yes a little. :-)

Anonymous said...

I only want to know one thing,while you were gone did the birds win?

Love Antie

Shelley said...

Yes, Antie...

The birdies won.

I plan on writing more about them tomorrow. I have been too angry to write any more than @O(*$((!!!#(#*@@.