Strangely Clean

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Overall, I keep a fairly clean house but sometimes I get a little bored (or lazy) and one day I look around and think "holy crap! did a fraternity move in here?!" Ok...honestly, that's about every Monday because I don't like to clean on the weekends. I prefer to just hang out with Kevin and play and hang out.

Come Monday, the house kind of freaks me out. I'm not saying that OSHA would condemn us or anything but Oscar the Grouch might feel a little too comfy. So I begin an all day clean-a-thon. When I start to get bored or don't want to keep up with it I have one thought that keeps me going. I ask myself, "Is this the way I would want my family to remember me if I died tonight?" I imagine my mom and mother-in-law walking around being sad that I'm dead but mortified about what my house looked like.

A little morbid, eh?

Yah, I get that.

But you should try it some time... it's really motivating.

Whenever I'm done with an area, I look around and think "if I died right now am I ok with my family and possibly strangers seeing this?" It totally helps me to step back and really look around the space and see stuff that I would normally pass by with an "oh, I'll get to that later". That thought makes go the extra mile because would rather take care of all that little stuff now rather than have a sad family member have to deal with it.

Are you just so totally freaked out right now?

Hmmm...sorry 'bout that. But at least my house is really clean today!

Hey, Mom aren't you proud of me! I DO think about you on a regular basis!


Anonymous said...

OMG ..... the only times my mother in law came by was when my house was like that. I use to wonder if she thought I was a total slob, when I try to be just the opposite, though my bedroom can get kinda neglected.
But if I was to go to see the Lord tonight He might consider sending me back to clean up a little. lol

Shelley said...

Oh, Antie...I love you so!

Emily said...

Oh dear...please don't die today.