Sweating is my new weight loss plan

Monday, June 16, 2008

It has started to get...um...warm here in Texas. Like really really really warm. Like bats are flying out of here on a regular basis warm. And despite this warmth, sometime last week I got the great idea to work on a project that would require me to be in the garage. The hot oven-esque garage.

I figured that I was a modern woman that could take a little heat and that the time had come for my dresser to get refinished. The dresser had gotten a wee bit banged up in the move and it had been sitting out in the garage mocking me for a while now. So it's time was up. Plus Kevin was gone on a business trip for a few days and I had plenty of time to get 'r' done.

That was 4 days ago. Kevin is now back and is having to park his car in the driveway because my dresser is all strewn about the garage waiting for one last coat of paint. I can't believe that I STILL haven't finished the stinkin' thing. This dresser is not a hard project...it's a one afternoon project. 2 afternoons, tops!

However, due to the heat and extreme sweatitude I can only work in 15 to 20 minute increments. I wish I could go longer but by the end of that time, I'm so hot and so gross that I can barely stand myself. I have sweat seeping out of pores I didn't even know existed and if I were to pass out I would probably die from drowning in a pool of my own sweat. But I haven't passed out yet. Instead, I stumble back inside drenched to the skin in my own gross sweatiness and throw myself over the kitchen sink and proceed to start throwing cold water all over the place.

It's truly a vision of loveliness. Like one of those commercials when the women are washing off their face soap.

Or not.

I used to think I was a pretty glisteny, dewy sort of sweater. But I'm not. I'm a gross, drippy, whiny, red faced, drenched hair sort of sweater.

I'm rereading that last paragraph and am now picturing me as a nice cardigan.

Ugh...just the word cardigan makes me start to sweat.

Well, wish me luck today as I am hoping to brave my garage long enough to slap on the last coat of paint. Don't worry, I'm not going for perfection at this point. Just completion. And perhaps a couple pounds lost in water weight


Kevin said...

You are so funny... I'm glad I married you... even the sweaty you.

Nicole said...

Hehe silly Shelley. But, I gotta say, sweating is my method of losing weight too, and I do it well :-) Thats the only way that I don't mind sweating, just keep telling myself, I'm losing weight, I'm losing weight. Haha