The 411

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I’ve decided to do a little post about some of the happenings over here. I say happenings like there’s all this exciting stuff going on but not really. Just a bit of this and some of that.

We’ve seen two movies recently: Wall-E and Wanted. I HIGHLY recommend Wall-E. I’m now slightly obsessed with all things robot. I want my very own little robot now. I think that Pixar and the people who make Roomba should team up!

I HIGHLY don’t recommend Wanted. EW. It was very…..raw. The violence was graphic and icky and just ridiculous. The swearing was off the charts and swearing doesn’t normally bother me…but after 10 minutes I was like “geez..OK! enough already! Move on to another word of choice please!”

Ha ha…so speaking of Wanted…we went to see it on the 4th of July and the area we saw it in was where all the major firework action was going on in our area so there were just gobs of people everywhere when the movie got out (fireworks are not high on our list of things to see). So to kill a little time and let some of the traffic dissipate we went to the little coffee shop near there and I got some iced tea. Not sweet tea but tea from a tea bag kind of tea.

It always makes me laugh when I ask them for their tea selection because they have no clue about the different types of teas or anything tea related. The look on the face of the "barrista" is always like “oh no…not tea….I don’t know anything about TEA!! Ack" and then instead of being able to tell me the tea selection, the “barrista” pulls out this bin full of bags of tea and rifles through them and reads off their names and descriptions. (I use the term barrista very loosely because coffee/tea is not quite the way of life in Texas as it is in the Northwest and most barristas down here are kind of clueless unless you go to Starbucky's and I prefer the little local shops). I feel kind of bad for them but the tea I always get is so yummy that I have to get it. Plus it’s kind of fun to watch them squirm a bit.


Since we are on the topic of things that make me happy….we had our new kitchen faucet installed. On Monday. Like I predicted. Can I just state for the record how much love I have for running water in my kitchen. I love it. It makes me squeal and do a happy dance.

I also love our Wii. If you don’t have one…go buy one. You won’t regret it. I don’t care how old you are, you will love the Wii. Lately, Kevin and I have been obsessively playing Mario Kart. It’s a racing game where you get to be obnoxious to the other racers with bombs and banana peels and stuff. And while Kevin normally woops me in all things video game, I must say that we are pretty equally matched when it comes to racing games and that makes it more fun, for sure. However, there have been a few times when I’ve had to remind him that he’s playing his wife and that when she’s PMS’ing it’s generally a good policy not to send a bomb at her right before she’s about to cross the finish line and then gleefully pass her. It might be an evening ruiner. Just sayin’.

Hmmm…..what else…Oh. I applied for a part-time job online today. It was for Belk. I’d never heard of this store before we moved down here but I think it’s a southern department store…it’s kind of like a baby version of Dillards or Macy’s. Fingers crossed that I get it. I hate job hunting so if I don’t have to do a lot of it that would make me hap hap happy. Plus…a discount on some cute clothes and shoes and bags and other stuff wouldn’t be too awful, now would it?

Ok...well, now I'm craving some tea so I'm going to go make some and then kick Kevin's butt at Mario Kart. Besides you are all sufficiently filled in for now. I can’t share everything all at once because what will I talk about tomorrow!

See ya then, peepity peeps!


Anonymous said...

While I was reading about your love of robots I was thinking that youd like the roomba, then I read what you said about teaming the roomba and a robot up together. thats so funny!! cool huh?
Debi wants a roomba.
Oh, Belks is a southern store I believe.It use to be Belk Lindsey, but for some reason they dropped the Lindsey part. Anyway it is a dept. store like Macys who was Burdines here and Dillards.
I love their shoes and bags!!!