Random thoughts plus something yummy!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I haven't been posting much lately because there hasn't been much to post on. And when I do post I only get one comment and that's sad to me. There's not a lot of incentive to post when no one comments. Besides, I started this blog to keep my family updated on my life and I don't think any of them read it (other than my Ant Connie) because none of them ever comment. (hint hint...guilt trip...leave me comments, family!!!) So I think I'll drop my posting to a couple times a week rather than trying to do it every day.

Anyhoo...enough whining about that!

Things here are good. We've joined an Adult Bible Study Fellowship at our church. The other couples seem super fun and at the same time seem like they really have a desire to know God on a deeper level which I totally appreciate. I'm excited to get to know them all better. AND they have donuts every Sunday. So I'm pretty much hooked.

In other news, I have a lead on a job. I'm really praying I get it. It's super part time...like 10-15 hours a week, which is AWESOME. I'll tell you more about it if it works out. I'm hoping to hear more from the lady tomorrow!

Not to much else going on. Oh wait! I have to tell you about the best. pizza. ever! Kevin and I have been making it about once a week. I saw this "recipe" somewhere...I don't remember where.... but you take a premade dough, like Boboli (or make your own...whatev), then use pesto instead of typical red sauce and top with fresh mozzarella (the good stuff!). It's GREAT like that but if you want to you can top it with chicken that's also quite tasty.

This is the best pizza ever of all time. I will never eat the typical pepperoni pizza again, if I can help it. You should try it...you really really should. Go.. NOW. You won't be sorry!

Maybe, if you are lucky, I will post tomorrow with pictures!

Or maybe not....

We'll see...ta ta!


Deanna Buoniconti said...

Hi Shelley! Yes! Venessa is my sister in law. I'm married to her brother Brent =) (Who i call "brock")

Thanks for your comment! I love blogging! Half the time im writing just to get things out of my head and am so surprised by the feedback i get! I love it.

But seriously, thank you so much for what you said. Sometimes it's crazy how many things you end up learning in life that no one tells you about! Its great to have others who have lived it and give us support tho, because they have been there, and encouragement!

The house thing is a little better i think for us. We are looking (hoping and praying!) to build our own house on some land we have found. We absolutly LOVE it. That may be why its so hard to not want to move there because we love it so much.

So how did you end up in TX? Do you like it?

I will be praying for you too!!!

Nicole said...

Hahaha oh you whiner! ;-) I read your posts, I jut don't always comment, sowey :-)
So a lead on a job huh? Yay! I wanna hear more about it, cuz you didn't say anything about it in your post, booo!
You guys come on Saturday, horray! :-)

Anonymous said...

You can stop blogging!!!! I absolutely love reading what is going on with you and Kev. I look everyday.
Thanks for the honorable mention Ü
I wish your mom would blog...... hint hint.
Hey anything new on the birds?

Emily said...

Sorry if I forget to comment sometimes. I'm a slacker. I read quickly because I don't know how much time I have before Maddox gets grouchy at me :-) But, I still love you and you better post pictures tomorrow!

Traci said...

Your people need you Shelley. Really.

Post! Post! Post!

Kyle said...

don't be dumb...don't stop posting. I read every article. Some of your posts aren't very respondible type posts...I know thats not very good English, but hey...you get the idea. If you want more comments...start asking questions, etc. You did it on this one and it worked!

Nessie said...

thank you for the encouraging words that you wrote to Deanna...it meant a lot to me just to here what you said. ..and it just hit me how wonderful it is, that even though we don't know each other, and that you don't know her, in Christ, we are all family and can love each other just the same.
God bless you!

Dad said...

Hi Shell and Kev,

I was feeling guilty for some reason about not posting on your blog or reading it enough. I don't know why!

Kevin, don't let a girl beat you at Mario Kart!

Shelley, I hope you get the job! Sounds great! What is it?

'Glad you like your Bible study group. Mom and I joined one last summer and it is cool. We are all very close, closer than any other one I've been to. We socialize for about a half hour or hour, then have the study, then socialize (ahem, I mean have fellowship. My Christianese slipped there for a moment) again. So everyone kind of relaxes and enjoys the time together.

