Squeeky wheel has been oiled

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments the other day! It made my heart all happy. I don't expect you all to comment on every post, but every once in a while it's nice to know who's out there reading what I'm writing, ya know!

No worries, though, I'm not going to stop blogging...no way, jose! But I'm not going to post every day like I was trying to do. Maybe just every other day. I'm trying not to spend so much time on the internet and whenever I sit down to post I end up spending way more time online than I had originally planned. And that's no good!

Would you like to know what IS good? We sold our fridge! It only took us 4 months to actually getting around to selling it but once we did it sold the within a day. Yippee! Wait, you probably don't know why we wanted to sell our fridge in the first place, do ya?

Well, when we moved down here to Texas we were told that our rental house wouldn't have a fridge so we brought ours (which we didn't mind because we really liked it). But when we arrived we found a very large, very nice fridge sitting happily in our kitchen. The landlords said they'd be willing to remove it but we figured we might as well keep theirs and sell ours.

So we put it out in the garage and promptly forgot all about it. Well, we remembered it when we were leaving the garage and when we were pulling in to the garage. We'd mutter something about how we needed to put that thing up on Craigslist and then go on our merry way. So about a week ago we finally decided that we had dilly-dallied long enough and took pictures of the dang thing and then neglected to post the ad until about a day ago. And the very next day (yesterday) *Bam Presto* we sold it to the very first person that responded.


I'm now plotting and scheming about what to do with that money. I want to buy fun things like lamps and a headboard and candles. Kevin does not so much. So I'm thinking some sort of compromise will be reached wherein he gets to buy a few games for his new Play Station and some new electronic gizmo and I get to go on a shopping extravaganza at Ikea and Target.

I think it sounds like a fine plan. We'll see what Kevin thinks. Maybe if I throw in a good head massage he'll cave to my homegood desires. I'll keep you posted.

Well...that's enough dinking around online. I have to go do housewifey stuff like laundry and floor cleaning and Mario Kart.

Oh, crud. I just remembered that I said I would post some pictures. I will try to do that tonight, pinky promise!


Dad said...

Wow, that's cool you sold the fridge so fast! We've been getting ready for the new carpet to be installed downstairs tomorrow!


Emily said...

Happiness that you sold the fridge! Hope you can go on a shopping spree. Not sure what I'm going to spend the money on...maybe something for the baby lentil *yes, it's the size of a lentil)that's a growing, or maybe a toddler bed for the tyke, we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! you sold the fridge and got some play money. I love play money!
And I love IKEA!
Take pictures of the bounty.
Debi told me I messed up on my last text/ it's "you CAN'T stop blogging"
Love Antie

Anonymous said...

That works on me! Nicole can pretty much get whatever she wants when we have "spare" money if we split it and I get to buy a new toy... i.e. video game or musical instrument/accessory... that is back in my guitar center days when it was all dirt cheap... So if it doesn't work Kevin, his loss I guess!

Meggie said...

Hey girl! Don't ya just love craigslist!! We do! I've sold all sorts of random stuff this year. I like getting an extra $25 here and there!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I don't post on many blogs but just wanted to say I enjoy this blog! :D

All my fav blogs are closing , I hope this one stays up!!!

Congrats on the fridge!!!!
Wii Fit is really fun if your looking for a Wii game.