I will not be getting out of my pj's today

Saturday, July 26, 2008


It’s 2 in the afternoon and I just woke up!


After an insanely crazy busy week, we got home from Boise last night at midnight. And that’s not all that late, what killed us was the 45 minute wait for our baggage to come. Our flight was 3rd in line to receive our baggage. Can I just say that it was way too late to be messing with people like that!! Part of me wanted to just go home and deal with it today and it looked like other people had that same idea because the carousal next to ours had about ½ a plane’s worth of bags laying around it unclaimed.

We finally got our luggage and started our 45 minute drive home. But we didn’t go straight home. Nooooo that would be too easy. We had to stop for gas. At 1:30 in the morning.


I don’t remember ever being so happy to be home.

Well, I might be back later to update with pictures and such but for now my head is reminding me that I haven’t had any coffee in over 24 hours so I’m off to find some.


Nicole said...

Hahaha you just woke up?! I can't sleep in past 730 ever hahaha. :-)
And ugh that does about the luggage!! I hate waiting around for luggage and such when I JUST WANNA BE HOME!!! :-) But I'm glad you guys got home safe! We'll miss u two!!

Emily said...

Wow, I didn't really that you were already back home! The week went fast! I've been living in a pair of grey capris sweats. I feel lame, but I'm comfy and that's all I care about at this moment in my life.

We should cart soon!