Where I make stuff

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have recently made some changes to my creative space and I wanted to share them with you. I wish I would have taken some before photos but I'm always too embarrassed to take a picture of the the "before"!

I have been blessed at this home to have a whole room to myself. I call it my craft room but I hate the way that sounds but I'm not an artist (yet!) so I feel silly calling it my studio. Sooooo I've started to just call it "my room".

Anyhow...my room was for several months cluttered storage space that I couldn't seem to organize right. I would go in there and just get overwhelmed and frustrated. So I ended up doing my projects all over the house and let's just say that was not a good idea. I had embroidery stuff in a basket by the sofa, with paper crafty stuff on the kitchen counter and painting stuff in the pantry. And sometimes it looked like Hobby Lobby exploded all over my living area. It really started to stress me out. So when the Olympics began I figured that I needed a place to hang out while Kevin got his daily dose o' Olympics and that it would be the perfect time to tackle the organization dilemma that was that room.

So I head to Wallymart and got a 3 drawer organizer thing and smallish but long folding table and about $6 of little plastic drawer organizer boxes. I spent an entire evening organizing my little heart out. It was AWESOME. I love organizing things. It feels so good to find homes for things adn then see the end result. It gives me the same sense of satisfaction that coloring did when I was a little kid.

However, I wish it would stop being stuipidly humid down here because there are a few finishing touches that I would like to get done but they require spray painting. And painting and humidity don't go hand in hand. But for now it is organized and perfectly adequate for my needs. I'd say I've spent the majority of my time in here since I finished.

This quote came from my In-Laws vinyl business. My brother-in-law, Tyler, designed it for me. It really helps me to get out of my creative "comfort zone" and push myself.

I've found that having something on in the background helps me free up the creative part of my brain. It's weird because unless I have music or a movie on in the background I can't create anything at all. I'm very thankful to Kevin for wiring me up with satellite, a dvd player and our old tv.

Hank likes to watch me when I'm at my "desk". He's such a cool inquisitive lil' fella.

Here's my ever present companion, Maggie. She's very needy and not pleased that I took her photo without asking her permission first.


Anonymous said...

That quote looks good on your wall! Sweet! I have my own room too. It's my loft... However it gets too hot up there for me to really hang out up there:-(

Emily said...

What a pretty room! I love pretty spaces and you do such a wonderful job. Wanna come help me?

Shelley said...

Em...I would LOVE to come help you! Maybe when you guys get settled I can come out and help with whatever you'd like. I could do some fun art for Maddox and the new baby.

Anonymous said...

How awesome to have your own space.
You have great creative organizational skills. Perhaps when you come here you can give me a few ideas!
What a great idea to use a pickle jar as a fish bowl.
I like your room!!!!!

Shelley said...

Antie...you seriously need no help. Your home is absolutely wonderful. I hope to one day create a home as peaceful and beautiful as yours!

I love you!

Faithicus said...

I'm an organizational junkie as well. It's soooo satisfying working out living arrangements for all my kitch, crafts and clutter. I love 'your room'! Looks like a stellar space to flex those creative muscles.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great job Shell....
Looks like a very welcoming space!
Even Maggie was moved to take a nap in there!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Shell!!!
From what I have seen from your picks you really have!
I love your reading corner!

Anonymous said...

I meant from your pictures.
Where did you get the teal chair,
I love retro

Traci said...

Shelley! Good job at creating a relaxing and inspiring environment for you to work in. I think it's très, très you.

Emily said...

The home inspection was rescheduled for unknown reasons at this point. I just want this to be over, seriously!!!

Meggie said...

Ok, so like I said, I tried to post a comment yesterday, and wasn't able to .. batteries are a good thing to have in the keyboard. So, I LOVE your room. And, I love the idea of scrapbook paper. I want to go and buy some today... probably won't, but I want to.

Emily said...

You haven't posted in like a week! I miss you!

Meggie said...

You need to post something new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!