If whining were an Olympic sport.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello. I feel the need to post. So I am. Unfortunately I don’t have a whole lot to say. This weekend was pretty uneventful. Well, unless you count the fact that my husband and I have been squabbling over the remote like a couple of children. He wants to watch the Olympics 24/7 and I, well, I don’t. So there have been many wrestling/tickling matches and let’s just say that I have not won any golds…and that Kevin is the Michael Phelps of remote control wrestling. (Mostly because he doesn't fight fair because he know that when tickled my body freezes up and my limbs flail about uselessly thus guaranteeing him the win.)

However, in all fairness, he has let me watch a few programs during the commercials AND he has thrown in a couple back/shoulder massages. Not necessarily out of the goodness of his heart but because he knows it will make me stop whining about how useless of a “sport” synchronized diving is. Because it is.

OOOOhhhh…but men’s gymnastics….now that is a sport I could watch all day. The way they do all that crazy stuff on the pommel horse and the rings and everything. Holy crap. It’s mind boggling.

I guess I’m just more of a winter Olympics kind of girl. I like all the skiing events and ice skating. The summer Olympics turn me into a whining 4 year old who needs a nap or some ice cream to make her shut up already.

So basically what I’m saying is that while I’m all “GO USA kick some international sports bootay” I’m very definitely ready to get back to my regularly scheduled programming. I'll miss the back rubs, though.


Anonymous said...

That's too bad. The olympics are great! I was very sad yesterday when they stopped playing them in the middle of the day... like the average American can't watch them at work or something!? Ptch, lame!

Shelley said...

eh. The summer Olympics don't really have anything I find interesting to watch. Especially 24/7. I think it would be different if Kevin was only interested in watching a few different events but we have some special satellite package and have like 6 dedicated Olymipic channels or something crazy like that. SO it's been a little bit of olympic overload for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. I have only been watching what is on channel 7.

I don't enjoy every event... but most. My favorite this year has been volleyball, and gymnastics of course. But I am really looking forward to track and field, and of course ping pong! That'll be the best.

Traci said...

You have to admit though that the men's swimming relay team was AMAZING. Herman and I were literally standing on our couch shouting "GO! GO! GO!!!!" And it was 11.45 at night. I'm sure our neighbors love us.

I get bored with the weight lifting and the wrestling...and the syncronized diving. But I totally get caught up in the other moments.

And Herman's like Kevin. All olympics all the time.

Sorry Shelley.

Shelley said...

Traci...um...will you still be my friend if I tell you I didn't watch the relay? I did watch the backstroke one and another one, maybe the 200 meter? I don't know, I do know that Michael Phelps won. And I will agree that he is amazing. He swims so much differently that the other competitors that he makes them look like they are doing it wrong. But for the most part,I spent the night in my craft room watching old black and white episodes of Sherlock Holmes from the 1950's and making stuff for Christmas presents. Kevin would call me out for the men's gymnastics and then I'd go back into my hidey hole. I am apparently a crotchety ole 80 year old woman.

Meggie said...

We watched the Olympics on Saturday night and that'll probably be the end of it. I'll watch some by myself, because there's not a whole lot I can do with this stupid brace on, and Caleb is picking up some extra shifts to pay for carpet (it's being installed sometime next week!!) so I'll be home alone in the evening the next few nights. I'll be thinking of you, Shell. Call me if you get bored! Oh, and are you making me something cool for Christmas!! I can't wait. :)

Emily said...

Yep, not with you...we've been watching it non-stop over here, too. Definitely sports I don't care about. Syncronized diving? Come on. I enjoyed watching the USA men's gymnastics team get bronze last night!

SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

Not sure if you're the Shelley that left the comment on my blog about the cats on the treadmill or not...BUT - glad to meet ya anyway! :) And thanks for stopping by.

By the way, I'm sort of bummed because this is the first year I won't be watching any of the Olympics because we gave up tv three years ago. :)

Nicole said...

Oh Shelley lol. How can you not love watching to Olympics? I love it!