To stack or not to stack...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Allrighty, so I’m a bit eccentric, I know this. And I’m really quite ok with it. however, I’m going to be having people over to my home that don't know me and with whom I am trying to be friends. And honestly, I don’t want them to know the extent of my eccentricity right out of the gate so I have a question for you all regarding an interior décor dilemma I am having.

A couple months ago I rescued my books from years of being boxed up. (Kevin and I had never gotten around to purchasing a bookcase for them and I when I wanted to read one I had to dig through several boxes before I found it. Annoying!) One day I got tired of them being inaccessible so I opened all my boxes, made piles of them everywhere organized by type and stacked them up against a couple walls in my living room. It was just supposed to be a temporary way for me to be able to get to my books until Kevin built a bookcase for them.

But now I kind of like them where they are. I love the stacks and the colors and they way they are somewhere they aren’t supposed to be. Seeing them makes me happy inside.

I’m curious as to what a “normal” person would think. And well, as far as I know, most of you are normalish. So what do you guys think? Does it look ok? OR should I have Kevin buy/build me a bookcase ASAP?

Here’s what the books look like.

And yes, I am quite aware that my floor needs to be mopped. I will be doing that sometime today. In theory.

So under that counter is where I want the bookcase to go.

I have/had visions of this being a reading nook with some of my cooler hardback books living on shelves over the chair and a fun pendant lamp of some sort hanging down.

OH! And for those of you who care about this sort of thing, that’s the chair I blog from. Also, the boxes on the right aren't there anymore as this picture was taken a while ago, not that you even noticed probably, I just thought you should know. Also those brown box shelves have been hung up and aren't there anymore, either. I should have taken a more recent photo but I'm too lazy.

BAH...enough rambling. What do you guys think. Are stacks ok or will normal people think I'm way wierd? And if they do think I'm weird, should I care?


Anonymous said...

I think it looks like you just moved... which is partially true? So just tell them that? And that you haven't built/purchased a book shelf yet.

Kyle said...

I love the stacked idea and love it even more that its what you like, however, it does look unfinished. With a bookshelf or something like that you might be able to make it feel somewhat like that but in a way that looks like it was meant to be done rather than something that just hasn't been done yet.

Traci said...

Hey Shelley! I like how you have it all organized, but it does look like you haven't finished moving in.

But if you like it, who cares?

Meggie said...

To be blunt, I don't like it. My c is coming out all over the place when I see the stacks and I think that I must organize them onto a shelf. However, if you do decided to keep them, when I visit I won't try to get you a shelf.

Shelley said...

hmmmm....well, it's apparent to me that I must get some shelves because it looks unfinished to all of you. I think that the photos might make it look a lot more jumbled than they do in real life.

Boo. I love them being all stacky. But I don't want my house to look cluttered to other people. So I guess, I will have to figure out a shelving solution sooner rather than later.

Meggie said...