Whales and Chickens, oh my!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This week I've been drawing and working on some paintings and I thought I'd share some of the things I've been working on.

This first guy is a sketch for a painting I'm working on. He's a melancholy baby chicken at a birthday party. He's trying to be enthusiastic but failing because he hasn't had any cake yet. Once he's had some sugar he's a party animal, for sure.

This guy is a whale inspired by a stuffie I saw on etsy. I'm planning on doing a series of him in different colors and with different costumes.

This little girl makes me smile. She's just such a happy lil' chick.

Here's jelly fish that is just crusin' around the ocean looking for some girl jellies to kick it with on a Friday night.

Last are some doodly flowers that I like how colorfully they turned out.

I'm excited to see how I'm beginning to be able to create things on my own without needing to look at something for inspiration and that's that's a big step for me. I'm trying to make time to sketch or be creative every day and it really helps me feel alive and connected. I'm still WAY WAY far away from where I'd like to be but life's all about baby steps, right?!

Is there anything that you all want to get better at? What are you doing to get there?


Kevin said...

I love the first one... I could totally see a 'Melancholy Chicken' series...

Emily said...

I love your drawings! They're all very cute and you really are getting very good!

Faithicus said...

sooooo cute !!
you rock girl.

Traci said...

Kevin beat me to it - I was totally thinking the same thing. I'd love to see a melancholy chicken series. Melancholy Chicken at a baseball game. Melancholy Chicken in Paris. So fun.

I also love the girly chick.

Well done my friend. I'm so proud of you for continuing to push yourself. You're doing great!

As for me, life has been so crazy that I haven't had much time to create outside of my freelance work. In school I made everything - books, posters, packaging, etc by hand...I really miss making things. So I've been thinking....of things. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kevin. The first one is my favorite. They all look awesome! Hope we can get some stuff figured out so you can get your stuff on ETSY!

Anonymous said...

I love the first one too. but I absolove the whale!!1
Keep up the great work. You should think about illustrating a childrens book!