Watching Pixels

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am currently sitting crossed legged on the floor of our hotel with my laptop perched on my feet. We are on the 20th floor of the hotel and I’m wedged between the curtain and window. It’s cozy here and it’s bringing back feelings of when I was a kid playing in a fort of sheets and dining room chairs.

This fort, however, has a much much better view.

Even though it’s at night and we are in the business district where there isn’t a vibrant or active nightlife of any kind going on in the buildings around me, there is definitely enough to keep my overactive imagination occupied for a couple more hours, at least.

There are many lights on in the office building right across from me. Are those offices being cleaned? Did someone just forget to turn their lights out? Or is someone there burning the proverbial midnight oil? What will their tomorrow bring? Is this their chance to prove their talents to the boss? Or have they just wasted too much time on the internet recently and are playing catch up?

The building next to that is much taller than ours and I think it has condos at the top because I can see very different types of lighting in all of those windows and there are more windows lit up on the top than on the bottom. How cool would that be? I wonder if they are happy up there or if they wished they lived in the country with horses and cows and chickens.

All of the lights in the windows of the buildings remind me of little pixels. Pixels of life. And I am one of those pixels. It reminds me that even though I feel invisible I’m not. Anyone can see me if they know where to look. I wonder if anyone is looking at me right now, wondering about me and who I am and what kind of life I have.


Emily said...

I love people watching and contemplating about people's lives. I'm jealous of what you got to do just sitting there in a big sitting and thinking. Way fun.

Money Saving Mom said that Chik-fil-a is giving away chicken strips today in the Houston area.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder the same thing when I see lights on all night in business buildings! Sounds fun. I wish I lived in a condo in a tall building.

Stacey said...

Shelley!!! I've been wondering where you are and what kind of life you have! I was reading Traci's blog the other day and saw your name. I thought, "Hmmmm, I wonder if that's the Shelley I use to know?" Well, looky is! I'm glad to see that things seem fabulous with you. A big move to Texas too? Congrats! Well, I just had to say "hi" and that I've missed you so much! Glad to have found you again. Blessings!

Meggie said...

I love this blog. I feel like it's such a beautiful thought that I don't have anything to add. I just thought you would like to know how much I love it.

Shelley said...

awh! Thanks Meg!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
I like Hank...
Is he is your kitchen?

Thanks for sharing your pondering time everyone...
You have sweet thoughts....
You are a very bright pixel!

love ya
Oh love the new look of your blog site.