All I want for Christmas is some antlers for my car

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thank you for you comments! Gives me a little fuel to get back on the blogging bandwagon.

I have decided to go ahead and make an effort to blog on a regular basis. It really is a great way to keep in touch with far away friends and family. Plus, as Antique Mommy commented, it's a nice to have a record of this time in my life.

So, cross my heart, I will do my best to blog 3 or 4 times a week.

Spread the word.

Moving on.

Remember, yesterday when I mentioned my lil' Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Well, I took a photo of him and you should be so proud of me because I have actually remembered to post it for you the very next day!

Here he is in all his pathetic glory.

I ordered him from Urban Outfitters a couple years ago when we had Lucy, our massive puppy, and I didn't want to deal with the 80 pound puppy and the tug o' war Christmas tree fiasco that would have been inevitable. He has served me well since then.

And up until this year, he had a bright shiny red ball on top. Unfortunately, glass Christmas balls do not bounce. Now he has a bright shiny blue plastic shelley-proof ball.

Ok. Now onto the real reason I am posting.

Last night Kevin and I went to Pocket Sandwich Theatre with our good friends and landlords, Lisa & Matthew, and our other friends, Kara & Steve.

Pocket Sandwhich Theatre is one of my absolute favorite things about Dallas. It's this hole in the wall, local theater in a strip mall that puts on a new play every 3 months or so. It's such great cheesy fun. And ever since we first went about 6-8ish months ago we have gone to every new play they've put on. So it only made sense that when we heard about their annual showing of Ebenezer Scrooge, we knew we had to go.

And, we thought it only appropriate that we go in cheesy Christmas attire. Well, technically the original plan was to don ugly Christmas sweaters. However,
ahem, some of us procrastinated and either couldn't find any or couldn't find any for a price we were willing to pay.

Here's a picture of all of us crammed together in our cheesy Christmas finery.

It's a dinner theater so everyone sits at tables or in booths. And because we had such a large party they split us into 2 booths.

The boys at one.

There's Kevin, Matthew, Steve and his brother, who I just met and now I can't remember his name, Peter..David?!

And us girls at another.

There's me, Kara and Lisa!

This picture is for Meg who is wanting to see me with big Texas hair and well... for me my hair is pretty big in this picture. But is NOTHING compared to true Texas Big Hair.

Also it's just a cute picture of me and Lisa :)

We had a GREAT time, just like we always do. It was a musical so there were lots of Christmas carols and the acting was awesome and Tiny Tim was freaking adorable.

But I think the highlight of my night was as we were leaving.

I saw this.

A Rudolph Smart Car.

And believe me when I say, I was not the only one having my picture taken with this car.

Merry Christmas, ya'll!


Anonymous said...

Lets hear it out there!!!

I abso love your tree. It is so cute.
We have some theaters here but not ones that you can eat in. That would be fun.
Its hard to have big haie in Florida cuz we have big humidity. Ü
Love the sweater.

Faithicus said...

those smart cars are funny to begin with, but the rudolph gear kicks it up on the funmeter. What a hoot.

The dinner theater sounds rad too.
Gville needs one of those.

Hope you are having fun in Boise right now.

PS. Love the charlie brown tree.

Meggie said...

Thanks for the big hair picture!!!
I can't wait to see you. Oh, and I think my hair is bigger than yours now. Go figure!