Christmas Recap with Photos!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello there!

I’m BaaAAAAck!

We have been home for almost a week now and I am just beginning to feel normal again so that should mean more regular posting from me. Woo hoo for you!

So what happened in Idaho?

Let me tell you about it!

Due to some scheduling snafoos due to the weather (which caused my SIL Emily to be delayed 4ish days and my super awesome friend, Traci not to make it to Idaho at all...booo hisss), Kevin and I spent most of our time with our families and didn’t get a whole lot of time to see any of our Idaho friends. And while this was a massive bummer, it got me some great bonding time with my wonderful sisters-in-law.

Honestly, I am convinced that I won the lottery when it comes to my sisters-in-law. Each one is completely different but totally awesome. I love them all mucho mucho.

Once Emily and her family got to Boise we were able to spend lots of time with them. Which was awesome because I was really looking forward to seeing my little nephew Maddox! He’s almost 2 and not talking yet but more than makes up for it with his sweet and fun personality. Can I also mention that he's way smart? Cuz he is.

Unfortunately he doesn’t sit still for very long so all I got were action shots.

On top of playing a bunch with Maddox, we had a couple nights of hanging out with our siblings. One night we hung out with my brother, Jason, and his wife, Mo. And my Dad joined us, as we played Killer Bunnies. If you like board games but are bored (get it board/bored…heh heh) with monopoly/clue etc. you might want to check it out.

Then another night we headed over to Kevin's little brother, Tyler, and his wife, Nicole's, house and we played Wii and ate pizza (and perhaps enjoyed a few adultish beverages).

Nicole ALWAYS wins.

Unfortunately, I really only took pictures the first half of the trip and then my camera decided to go missing for a couple days which sadly means that I can’t show you the fun wacky gift exchange we had with Kevin’s family or the trippy game of glow in the dark, mini-golf we played on New Year’s Eve with Emily and her husband, Kyle, (which is unfortunate because we had 3-D glasses on and we were super stylin’).

I'm sure I've left stuff out but I have bathrooms to clean and so I will leave you now but first I will share one of my favorite photos from our trip.

We were all laughing at something funny that had just happened and I was lucky enough to catch my dad making the best face. Makes me smile!

What was your favorite memory from this holiday season?


Traci said...

Boo! Hiss!!!

I'm still a bit bitter about not seeing you guys and having the great Reitz/Yau sleepover. sigh.

Glad you had a good time with your family! Miss you!

Shelley said...

holy fast commenter, batman!!

I miss you too! I'm sorry I've been so rotten at keeping in touch recently. I went into an introvert coma when we got home and am just feeling up to communicating with people again.

Let's have a chat date soon!

Also...super happy dancing for you and Herman over here. Australia AND so much adoption progress! AMAAAAZZING.

Anonymous said...

yea!! Your back. so glad you had great times with the fam. Your right priceless pic of my brother in the law. I love calling him that....
Anyway Happy New Year Girl!

Faithicus said...

Yay, you are back! I think I liked it better before you got a job and you had more time to blog and craft. (yea, I'm selfish like that) ;) :)
Sounds like your holiday was super rad. So glad. Mine was fabulous. Just lots of family time which is always ridiculously goofy and fun. And also a week off from work. WOOHOO !!!!
Love all the photos. I will have to go buy the Killer Bunny game and see if the family would like to play it.

Anonymous said...

It was so fun having you kids all home for the holidays!! It was sure quiet when everyone left!

Love ya!