Growing Up, One Food at a Time

Monday, January 12, 2009

One of my highlights from 2008 has got to be that someone called me an adventurous eater.

And meant it!

Me, who used to only eat turkey, mashed potatoes and rolls for Thanksgiving dinner.
Gravy? No WAY. Cranberry Sauce? Blech. Stuffing? Over my dead body.

Me, who would literally wipe off any guacamole and sour cream that might have made it onto my taquitos.
With a napkin. While on a date. At a sit down restaurant.

Me, who used to order her hamburgers completely plain. Meat. Bun.
That is all. Thankyouverymuch.

Yes...that person has now morphed into an adventurous eater.

Honestly, at first I laughed when Kara told me that she wasn't an adventurous eater like me. And then I thought about it. I have actually become pretty adventurous.

Ok. Well, semi-adventurous. I still would never eat snails and sushi creeps me out big time.

But whereas before when I would go out to eat I would panic if I couldn't find hamburgers or chicken strips on the menu (if we were at italian it was spaghetti or pepperoni pizza) now it takes me a while to figure out what I want to eat because so many things sound good AND I almost never order hamburger, chicken strips, or spaghetti.

How in the world did this happen? I'll tell you.

The. Food. Network.

I used to be obsessed with it. I would come home from work and watch it for 3 straight hours.

This is the part when a normal person would say that she then got up and whipped up some delightful dish she just learned how to make.


I would generally go pop in a frozen pizza and eat it while watching something mouthwatering being made and pretending that I was eating it too.

BUT. The watching of how different types of food were made helped me to realize that things that looked a bit weird or scary (like pesto) was really just made up of stuff that I liked on their own or in other foods (garlic, basil etc). And so I started trying more of the stuff Kevin ordered or even ordering it on my own.

In that way slowly but surely more and more foods entered into my food vocabulary so that now I am no longer a super insanely picky eater.

I am...
.drumroll puhlease.....semi-adventerous!

Here are some foods and beverages that I now eat and drink on a regular basis that would NEVER have crossed my lips 5 years ago.

Red wine (well, wine of any type actually)
Sweet potatoes
Mongolian BBQ
Pasta sauce
BBQ Sauce
Artichoke hearts on my pizza
Salad dressings other than ranch
Things other than just butter on my baked potatoes
Pasta tossed with olive oil & veggies rather than a red or white sauce
Honey in my coffee to sweeten it (sounds weird, tastes AMAZING)
Sour Cream
Chow Mein
Brown rice
Fried Rice
Mexican Rice
Dark Chocolate after rereading that list, I am apparently NOT adventurous. I'm just normal.

What about you? Were you a picky eater growing up? Did you get over it? How?


Traci said...

Ok. I laughed at loud at the thought of you being an adventurous eater...but then I saw your list and realized that you HAVE become a more adventurous you. Way to go! (And can I totally take credit for introducing you to artichoke hearts on pizza? Yummmm....)

I used to be WAY picky...then I married a Chinese guy. Not that I eat everything they eat (sucking on fish heads, chicken feet, broiled intestines, etc), but I can sit across from them without retching while they eat it.

But, I do have a new food that I LOVE....crab. That's a pretty recent one for me.

Stacey said...

Wow, you have become much more adventurous than before! Since we haven't had contact in the last 5 years, I had been surprised at some of your posts talking about coffee and wine and other foods 'cause I do remember the picky eater, and the one who would want to go for coffee, but have hot chocolate instead - hee! So proud of ya for at least trying stuff - and liking it too!

I am certainly a more adventurous eater, but would have never thought that I would like sushi. I finally tried it a year ago, and YUMM! If you get the right stuff, it's quite tasty! I'm sure you'll be waiting a while on that one, but I hope you'll try it too one day :0)

Meggie said...

You crack me up!! I have always eaten anything. I'm not worried if it's gross, I just won't eat it again. I do however stick to stuff I know I'll like when we go out to eat-- cause I don't want to spend $ on something I won't like. Hum... glad to hear you've expanded so! :)

Anonymous said...

I was a horrible picky eater, and I made my mom nuts trying to figure out what she could feed me. She grew up with" whats on the plate goes in the mouth". she probably never thought her first child would come out hating everything that was green.
I am still picky....I have moved on to eating veggies. But.....not to
Good for you that you are "becoming" adventurous !!!

Shelley said...

Traci...yes, ma'am, you are totally behind the pepperoni and artichoke hearts. AND I've turned others on to the wonders of that particular pizza combo! Hmmm...crab...I don't know if about that one. Maybe it'll make it on the list for this year, we'll see.

Stacey! Yup. I've come a LONG way since my "let's go to coffee, but I'm not going to drink any" days. Mmmm...I love coffee now and actually never order hot chocolate any more! crazy! I've actually tried sushi but I just can't get past the texture and the flavor didn't impress me enough to try. Maybe one day though.