
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I promised I would write more and so I am trying to write on Mondays, Wednesdays and one other day each week. Which day that will be, I have no idea. it'll be a little surprise for you and for me! And who knows, I might even write more than that.

If you weren't already aware, today is Wednesday. Which means I need to write something.


Ha ha.

Ok, seriously.

I am so tired today and I have a jumble of things going on in my noggin' so that's what you are going to get. And because I'm in a mood to number things, you are going to get a series of numbered paragraphs that most likely will have nothing to do with each other.

Let's begin.

1. I have always wondered what my favorite number was. It's one of those things that I've always thought I was supposed to have but could never quite figure out what it should be. For some reason, I always felt torn between the number 3 and the number 7 but neither never really felt right.

Well, this week I've discovered what my favorite number is and boy, oh boy, do I sure feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. As I was writing a list at work I wrote the number 4 and all of a sudden it was as though I had met an old friend. Why? Dude, I have no idea. If I were made to quantify it, I'd say it's because it's fun to write and I like the way it looks.

Therefore, my favorite number is 4.

I now feel oddly complete.

2. We have no food in our fridge. No. Really. We have some condiments, a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi from last week and some vegetables that probably should be avoided if we wish to avoid long stays in the bathroom. Oh and some eggs and lunch meat. Earlier this week, we also had some cheese and tortillas.

This has led to some very interesting dinner combinations this week, none of it coming even close to what a 30 year old should be eating for dinner and all of it coming very close to how I imagine it would be to feed a picky toddler.

3. I am cold. So very very cold. My hands have essentially become ice cubes attached to my arms. In general, this is no fun at all. HOWEVER, it has become quite useful in my new favorite sport which is coming up behind an unsuspecting Kevin and shoving them up the back of his shirt and listening him scream like a girl.


I am evil.


I pay dearly for my evilness.

4. In an attempt to stay warm, I have been brewing lots and lots of tea. The downside to this is that I usually forget that I have put the teapot on to boil and the resulting whistling of said teapot makes me nearly jump out of my skin every time.

Ok. Well, I think that is quite enough jumbled thoughts for one evening.

Tell me. Do you have a favorite number?


TReitz said...

I have been torn for sometime now in the area of a favorite number as well!

When I played sports when I was younger... actually, even to today this is true... I have always had to have the smallest jersey. I know, hard to believe right? Well, usually, but not always, the smallest jersey is #1. So for a while (mostly during my baseball years) I became very attached to #1. The last year I had #1 was my freshman baseball year at Centennial. Though it wasn't the best season of my life, I became VERY fond of my #1.

After that year I didn't play baseball again, instead I played lacrosse. Similar to football, #'s are some what dedicated to positions. Not entirely, but some what, and unfortunately #1 is a goalies #. So I had to settle with 28. I wore 28 the 3 years I played through high school, and my 1 years at Boise State. I became fond of it... but not quite as fond as my long lost #1. I missed it.

So I have settled on 1. That is my favorite number.

Traci said...

I feel that my love of a particular number, or even letter, is directly affected by my love of how it feels when I write it out.

For example, I LOVE writing out 2, 3, 4, and 7. But I LOATHE the 6. I can just never get it to behave properly.

If we're using the sports process of choosing, then it'd be 7...in volleyball and basketball, I was always 7.

But I'm also completely partial to 45...obviously.

Traci said...

Oh...and just one more reason for you to move to CA...it's sunny and 70 degrees. Absolute perfection if you ask me.

Hope you warm up!

And I sort of think you need to somehow get a recording of Kevin screaming like a girl. :)

Shelley said...

Traci! i hate writing the number 6! HATE IT. It never looks quite right. I also have a love/hate relationship with 2. It either looks awesome when I write or absolutely horrid.

Well, let's add that to one more thing we have in common.

Oh, and yes...I hear you about 70 being the perfect temperature. It will probably be 70 here next week though...Dallas is weird like that. But California definitely calls to me this time of year that's for sure.

Tyler, I am so glad that you have finally come to a decision about your favorite number! I think that 1 fits you quite well!

Kevin said...

The best number is 16. I don't know how I ever settled on it. I ended up with by accident in baseball one year and it sort of became 'my number'.

The funny thing is, whenever I join anything new online, 16 is the first number combo it spits back at me when 'kreitz', 'kevin.reitz', etc are taken...

So 16 was meant to be.