I'd like some cheeeeese with my whiiiiiine

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So I'm not even going to offer an apology for my long absence. Because there's only so many times one can say "I'm sorry" before it just starts sound empty and pathetic...and so I will merely offer an explanation.

This whole going back to work full time and being a receptionist thing is really kicking my butt. I am an introvert by nature and since the job I have requires me to basically pretend to be an super happy enthusiastic extrovert every minute of the day by the time I get home I'm pretty much running on empty.

It's only the memory of the 2 donuts I scarfed down earlier in the day that can motivate my butt to the gym to work out with Kevin for 30-40 minutes in the evening. And when we get back from conquering the treadmills the very last thing on my mind is whipping up a witty recap of the absolutely boring day I just had. Instead, I fall onto the sofa with a sigh and zone out for a couple hours before going into an 8 hour coma at 10:30.

So, basically, it's not that I don't WANT to write. It's that I really have nothing to say other than to whine about how tired I am and how obnoxious the general public is and also about how I hate being called "hun, little girl, pretty lady and sweetie" or "how much I look like a teenager and they couldn't believe I wasn't in high school when they first met me".

in fact, during the day, I write blogs in my head that I wish I had the energy to write when I got home. Well, truthfully, I alternate between writing blog posts and letters to the editor and both revolve around the same topic...how people should/should not to interact with a receptionist.

It can quickly be summed up with "keep it short and sweet".

Unless you are calling a medical office or somewhere you have a reservation or appointment made by last name, the person answering the phone does not need to know your last name. Basically I'm looking for 3 things. 1. your first name. 2. your company and/or 3. a super brief reason for why you are calling such as "to confirm reservations" or "to discuss a business proposal from last week".

If you, for some reason, decide to give me a mini-autobiography, i.e.; your name is Susie Jo Montgomery Smith, head buyer for Throckmorton & Sons Advertising and Sales Southwest, LLC and that you just spoke to Brian Petersonian 5 minutes ago about the Sales Report for your last quarter dealey bob magee...well, don't get annoyed at me when I ask you to repeat your name. Because I will have forgotten it while I was trying to remember all the other crap you just told me.

Also if I ask you to repeat your name...just repeat your name, do NOT launch into your spiel again. Because I may not be able to resist the exceedingly great itch to hang up on you.

Instead it would be better to say "Hi this is Susie from Throckmorton calling for Brian about the sales report." Ta DAAAA. Easy to remember. Sounds legit to me. And Brian will have enough information to say "yes, I'll take the call" or "not right now, voicemail please".


Please don't get annoyed when I tell you that the person you called for isn't in their office and then repeat that you just spoke to them FIVE MINUTES ago and they were expecting your call like it's my fault they aren't at their desk or that I'm looking right at them but have decided that I'm just not going to let you talk to them. Because when that happens, it's really really hard for me to not say "um, listen...."not in their office" well, that's receptionist code for THEY ARE PEEING and will call you back after they have finished their business". But that's just not professional and, well, it's also mean to my co-worker to have their full bladder announced to the world like that.

Instead I have to say that "while I do believe you that you spoke with them recently, they are not in their office at the moment, perhaps they stepped into a quick meeting? I am very certain that they will return the call at their earliest convenience would you like me to take a message or put you into their voicemail?" Then please refrain from huffing in my ear and asking if I could just put you "in their voicemail" like I hadn't even thought of that option yet even though I had just offered it to you like 10 seconds earlier.

Ok, well, I guess now you understand my long long absence. I've been a whiny and disgruntled woman. I'll try to unwhine and...um...regruntle this week and post about the fabulous time I had this weekend for my birthday extravaganzaa!

Until then, tell me about your biggest work pet peeve...if you can.


Emily said...

LOL...you make me laugh!

Now, do you want to hear what a rotten sister I am? I bought you a birthday present and even a card. I wrapped it and I addressed it. I was going to mail it on Thursday so it got to you in plenty of time. Now, it's the day before your birthday and the present is still sitting on my counter! I'm going to drag my butt to the post office today, so hopefully you'll get it by the end of the week. I'm SO sorry!!!

Meggie said...

You are cute. I love it when you post and at least your posts are long!! My biggest pet peeve is when people micro manage me. Like my current boss is the hugest C i can think of and she's always asking me things with an air of me not knowing or not doing it right. it drives me up the wall. All I want to do is tell her to mellow out and not keep her house so stinking clean-- oh yea, and if she wants good kids, maybe just maybe being around them and hanging out with them would go a long way. You know, be the parent and not the car driver. Today one of the little girls told me she wanted me to be their mom and their mom to be their nanny so that she could spend time with their mom. AHHH parents these days.