Scenes from My Life Tuesday

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I live far away from most everyone I love and care about so I was thinking that on Tuesdays I will post a picture that shows a little snippet of my life.

For the first "scene of my life" I am going to show you what my front seat looks like on most days.

I've got my trusty water bottle, work purse/mini luggage, notebook for writing down thoughtful thoughts, my Zune (insert snort of derision from Traci) and my beloved cell phone.

What are your daily essentials?


Traci said...

OMG, seriously! I looked at the photo and the first thing that popped in my head (before I even read the post) was "pft. a zune. I'm going to have to tease Shelley about that". Then I read your post and laughed out loud.

I think we know each other well, ay?

And I love this new addition to the blog! Structure is our friend (I'd never blog if I didn't have a schedule. Crazy, I know).

Unknown said...

I love your bag, so cute! essentials right now....millions of diapers because my little girl s quite the pooper...exactly what you wanted to know, huh?

Shelley said...

Oh Traci...I'm so glad that even though you are a Mac and I am a PC that we have found a way to overcome our differences and love each other anyway :)

Em...I am sure that diapers are your very best friend right now! How's your new diaper bag working? Have you had much of a chance to use it?

Faithicus said...

Daily essentials....

Purse, Starbucks coffee,
Whatever book I am currently
reading, and these days...
my Biology Textbook and

So glad you are blogging again. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
Thanks for the snippet of what life looks like in your car as you drive home...
If I could show you mine it would be a water bottle 3 or for sets of glasses, gloves and coffee cup!

see ya