To Plan or Not to Plan....part 2

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today I am having a hard time concentrating and getting anything done. My mind is flitting from this idea to the next…coming up with things I want to do, could do, should do and how hypothetically to do them.

It’s fun for me to redesign something in my head or come up with something that I want to make. It’s easy for me to start these things and then a quarter of the way into the project I get distracted or realize I don’t have everything that I need and so I stop, thinking I’ll pick up where I left off the next day or the next weekend.

A day turns into a week.

A week turns into a month.

Months pass.

A new project peaks my interest and off I zoom in that direction.

A year goes by and I have 6 projects in various stages of incompletion (with 6 more rumbling around in my head). Thank you cards written but not sent due to lack of stamps or address or both. Cookbooks under my bed from when one night I had this grand idea of meal planning, hauled the cookbooks to bed to write out a shopping list and then promptly forgot all about it the next morning.

All of this adds up and weighs on my mind.

I think that’s why a life plan appeals to me. I want a system. I want a way to break this cycle of incompletion in my life.

Kevin and I have been talking and agree that 15 year plan is kind of ludicrous because of how far out it goes.

However 5 year plan…well, that seems pretty doable.

There are things that God has laid on my heart to accomplish and it would help me to really think (and pray) about these things and how I get from here to there so that I may begin to take those steps and see them through to completion as He leads me.

In fact, I’ve already started.

Stay tuned for more!