MMMM...tastes like summer

Monday, April 6, 2009

Friday night, Kevin and I went grocery shopping because I’m on a roasted vegetables kick and HAD TO HAVE vegetables to roast or else! So off to the market we went…and by Market, I mean, Wal-Mart.

We normally avoid Wal-Mart on Friday nights because it is a ZOO. Almost as bad as on Sundays. There have been several times that we went there on a Friday night to get some snacks and have walked out without what we came in for…which almost killed me because I was jon
esing BAD for my Hot Tamales.

Anyway…we decided to brave it because I NEEDED vegetables. Oh and the cats might have asked us to pick them up some kitty litter.

Luckily, for us we got what we needed and the wait at the checkout wasn’t so bad BUT the best part was that we scored two tubs of strawberries for $1.50 each! I had to paw through several tubs of half rotten ones before I found a couple good ones but it was totally worth it. Especially because Kevin introduced me to the taste sensation that is powdered sugar and strawberries.

Then on Sunday we realized that we needed to get some lunch food for this week and reluctantly stopped by a different Wal-Mart. And there right out in front was a table piled high with tubs of strawberries for $1 each!!

That’s ONE DOLLAR for a tub of strawberries!!

And these strawberries weren’t anywhere near as scary as the ones from Friday night.
I kind of freaked out a little and sent Kevin on to get lunch stuff without me as I tried to find the very best strawberries. When I caught up with him later, I proudly plopped 5 tubs in the cart. Because that's what happens when he's not there to reign in my enthusiasm.

Basically we end up with 7 things of strawberries.

Of those 7...we have eaten 4.


Stacey said...

Oooooo, pretty blue bowls! I guess I need to head to town now, 'cause strawberries are sounding (and looking - powdered sugar, really? mmmmmm!)SO yummy.

Emily said...

Mm...I would like some strawberries...I should see if Fred Meyer has this cheap this week.

Traci said...

Um...that's a whole lotta strawberries! But, yummy! They look so good all covered over in powdered sugar and waiting to be enjoyed...especially in those super cute dishes.

Faithicus said...

yum !!