Scenes from My Life Tuesday

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

For this week's installment of Scenes from My Life (insert cheesy soap opera theme music) I bring you my desk.

This is the direction I face 90% of the time with my computer etc.

Here's what is right behind me.

Please note my nemesis Mr. Typewriter with no functioning backspace. To his left is my other nemesis Ms. Fax Machine. She's a delight. She chooses to receive faxes intermittently and leads people to think that they have sent us information and then they call regarding that information but really I have no idea what they are talking about because a certain fax machine decided I didn't need to receive it. That conversation normally goes a little something like "but I have a fax confirmation" and I'm all "but I never received the fax, sorry, please send it again".

Fun times.

Here's my phone and my chair. And some papers I need to file. might have noticed a long horn steer. He is made of fiberglass and his name is Bob.

Up next is how he looks when I'm sitting down. Don't worry, his horn isn't sharp and even though it might look like it, it's not in an eye stabbing zone.

Here's what he looks like from the front.

Well, thanks for taking a tour around my desk. Hope you had a good day!


Traci said...

ahh! I love it! Bring on more scenes from your life!

By the way...great pen for your bull. Very realistic.

Faithicus said...

sweet !

are you allowed to bring in any personal things?
Like cute kitty pics and or maybe a desk shuffleboard for slow days?

Maybe you could turn Bobs hiney into a target and throw darts at him. Suction cup ones of course.
(I will get back to you if I think of other ways to get you into trouble.)

I hear you about the fax machine. I am usually the person on the other end of the phone saying "But I got a confirmation!".