Sometimes Vintage is Awesome and Sometimes Not So Much

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lately I've been channeling my creative energies towards sewing. I found a pattern for a cute grocery bag that I thought looked pretty simple and I had visions of sewing them up by the dozens for gifts.

That is until the first one took me ELEVEN HOURS.

Because I'm special and was unaware that thread can go bad which means that it was a less than stellar idea for me to use thread left over from when my mom used to sew me costumes for school plays.

Many additional hours of frustration later and after having a professional seamstress look at my machine, put it back to normal and admonish me sternly about its proper settings, bobbin placement and the merits of new thread ... a bag now takes me an hour and half (if the moon and stars are aligned just right and I'm wearing my lucky undies).


We celebrated my friend Kara's birthday this weekend and I made her one out of some amaaaazing vintage sheets I thrifted when Kevin's parents were in town.

The outside.

The lining.

All rolled up and ready to be stashed away in a purse.

And finally tucked in a gigantic plastic cupcake liner I found and about to be presented to the birthday girl.

That's what I've been up to in my free 'bout you?


Traci said...

Am I weird for thinking that a giant cupcake sounds...AMAZING. Probably, because, isn't a giant cupcake simply...cake?

The bag is really cute! Great job!

I've been working on some different printing techniques. I'm going to make anniversary t-shirts for our good friends. We'll see if they turn out!

Shelley said...

oooo! I want to see! Anything you design is amaaaAAaaazing!