On the Move Again.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It is becoming the trend in my life that every 15 years I move to a new place.

Not that at 29, I have a whole lot of 15 years in my life...but that's not the point.

At 15, my family packed up and moved from beautiful sunny WARM San Diego and moved my skinny, shivering, cold hiney up to COLD snowy Boise, Idaho. In December. I was unaware that the mid-20's was an actual temperature that people lived in. And didn't freeze to death. Did I mention I was cold?

I got to experience an indoor high school. It felt like being on Wonder Years. Except even indoors I couldn't get warm. I wore turquoise thermal long underwear under my jeans until at least March. To School. The indoor school. Ah...to have no body fat again.

Fast forward 15 years. On the move again.

Add more body fat.

Another winter move but February this time instead of 4 days before Christmas.

This time I get to move somewhere WARM!!


I have never been to Texas.

I hear it is warm in Texas.

I am excited about this.

Because I do not like the cold. And even though I do have significantly more body fat than my silly 15 year old self, I still get cold…very cold (however, I no longer feel the need to wear long underwear when I will be inside - I'm so proud of me!)

I wonder what this move will hold for me, I mean, other than the fact that I won't be a shivering freezing mess this time around.

Hopefully friends will come more easily as I won't have to deal with all the insane social pressures that is part of the high school experience. And this time instead of leaving behind my BFF, he gets to come with me. That is the best thing of all.

However for poor Kevin he is going to his weather nemesis. Hot and humid.

See, Kevin…well he doesn’t get cold.

But he does get hot. And he doesn’t like hot.

And I hear that Dallas can be quite hot. So I think that I’m getting the good end of this deal when it comes to the climate.


Poor Kevin.

Well, in 15 years maybe we can move somewhere cold for him. Just not too cold.