Flying Monkeys...More Complicated Than You May Think

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

While playing Apples to Apples this evening with my husband’s family I was faced with that age old dilemma. Flying monkeys…complicated? Or not so much?


You haven’t heard of Apples to Apples? Why, my friend, you have been cheated. Robbed even.

Go here and be enlightened.

The short version of the story is this…Apples to Apples pits realists against those who find humor in the random. Well, in our family at least.

(Long story made shortish....everyone has cards with nouns on them and then an adjective card is put out and everyone tosses in a card with a noun that best describes that adjective...such as Marilyn Monroe for "sexy"). Oh and everyone gets a turn at judging which noun is the best for an adjective. It's all very orderly.

Me…I find humor in the random (much to the chagrin of the realists in the fam).

Tee Hee Hee.

So back to the main story.

I was judging the word "complicated" and someone threw in the noun "Flying Monkeys".

Which made me laugh. Because inside my head goes a little something like this....

Flying Monkeys…be they complicated beasties or evil doing simpletons.

Personally, I find them to be quite complicated. Not completely knowing the Flying Monkey backstory, I assume that they were some science experiment gone awry. A byproduct of some large bird of prey and a chimpanzee – intelligent enough to know they are freaks of nature and prone to taunting and poking with sticks.

The evil & cruel wicked witch of the west offered them shelter from the taunts and prying eyes of the public, but at a cost. They must do her evil bidding without question – including harassing and possibly being the cause of death of innocents.

This proverbial “selling your soul to the devil” caused them to live in constant turmoil over the pain and suffering they caused; however, they figured that it was either that or go back to the circus. And they were tired of eating peanuts.

However, for those realists in the bunch I figure the story goes a little something like this.

The evil witch created them to do her evil bidding so they did her evil bidding with nary a thought to the contrary. Enough said. Not so complicated.

Poor realists.