Construction barrels are both the bearer of good and bad news. They tell of good things to come while simultaneously being bright orange beacons of time sucking, road rage inducing delays.
I am looking forward to the day when this particular set of traffic barrels have moved on. However, I think they are going to be around for a while so I should just accept them as part of my life.
What is that saying? Something about God granting us the strength to change the things we can and the grace to accept the things we can't?
Something like that.
So I will make friends with the traffic barrels.
This one....this one I have named Fred.
Perhaps I will miss him when he is gone?
Doubt it.
So hear ya on the road blockage...we have had construction on one of our primary roads out of town for MONTHS and I'm about ready to pull my hair out. Happy that they started paving it, assuming it's a good sign!
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