Weekend Part One

Monday, September 20, 2010

On Friday, we had the opportunity to go watch the Blue Man Group perform at the Winspear Opera House.   We went with our friends, one of whom is super close friends with the Las Vegas Blue Man Group manager.  

We got really good seats.

Really Good.

And I am so thankful because it was one of the coolest experiences ever.    


If the Blue Man Group is touring in your area you should go.  And you should pay to get seats on the floor (even if you have to eat ramen for a couple of weeks) because the final act is simply breathtakingly amazing.   I squeaked with enjoyment the whole time and felt like I'd be taken into a Fantasia like movie.   It was over the top.  

AND interactive. 
Here is the awesome chandelier at the Winspear Opera House....one of the MOST beautiful venues.

It started out like this...with all of these long droplets of light.

Then as the performance was about to begin...they were sucked into the ceiling!!   It was so fun to watch!

After the show we walked around for a while since the car was in the parking garage with the gillions of other people and their cars.  It was a very beautiful night and I enjoyed the stroll.

Then we all got lost trying to get home.  Which is kind of how going home from doing something in Dallas normally goes for the 4 of us.  We always end up going the long way home and there is much laughing and hilarity.
And that was Friday night!