Learning to housewife

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our move to Texas has allowed Kevin to bless me with the ability to be a bonafide, apron wearing housewife. I’m planning on going back to school in the fall but until then I don’t have to work if I don’t want to.

And I don’t want to.

Instead, I have the honor and pleasure of creating a house that is clean, orderly, beautiful and peaceful. A wonderful place for my husband to come home to and be recharged and relax. I love that I get to do that.


It’s been a real struggle for me to get into a routine of what to do with myself all day every day. I’ve never had so much freedom before. I don’t have a boss to answer to. I don’t have a parent around telling me what to do. If I don’t want to make my bed, I don’t have to. If I want to sit around in my pj’s all day and watch lame daytime tv, I can.

And I have.

The downside is that all this freedom has left me feeling kind of off balance. I wanted a schedule. I craved some sort of routine. I knew what I wanted to accomplish every day. I just couldn’t figure out in which order to do things, so I did the minimum and then watched a lot of stupid daytime programming. *shudder*

That, my friends, is NO way to live.

Nuh uh.

Thankfully, God has recently given me insight into a schedule that will work for me and I really look forward to it. I haven't attached times to anything because I've noticed that if I do that and don't meet those time deadlines I feel guilty about it and that's dumb. So instead it is just list of things I want to do every day, arranged in the way that helps me to be the best, most productive me.

It goes a little something like this.

When alarm clock goes off, remember that coffee will make everything better.
Drag self out of bed.
Make coffee.
Get dressed to go on a walk/exercise.
Drink coffee and have a quiet time.
Go on walk/exercise in some way.
Shower & get dressed in real clothes.
Put on cute apron and do chores.
After chores are done. Do whatever I feel like doing. Nap. Create. Watch tv. Blog. Whatev.

Throw in a couple meals and that’s what my days look like.

What about you? Does having a routine help you? What are your daily priorities?

PS… I know there are some lurkers out there….feel free to chime in. I’d love to get to know ya.


Nicole said...

I wish I could stay home all day and have a daily routine like you. But I dont, but someday I will hopefully! I wish I could wake up and go on a walk on the greenbelt EVERY morning, that would make me VERY happy!!

Shelley said...

Yah, but what do you do in the morning? Do you have a routine or a way that you do things during the day?

Nicole said...

the only day i really have a routine is on saturdays, since tyler and i both dont work. we wake up, make breakfast, go walk on the greenbelt (if its warm enough), clean, take showers and then go out and do whatever.and mornings i really dont have a routine. i just roll out of bed, get ready, then go to work lol. pretty boring.

Shelley said...

gotcha. That was pretty much my routine too.

Shelley said...

gotcha. That was pretty much my routine too.