Making my walls and my heart happy

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kevin and I moved from a 988 square foot house in Idaho into an almost 2,000 square foot house here in Texas. While this is absolutely wonderful and I love having all this extra space, it also means that I have a lot of bare walls and some unfinished rooms (we still don't have a rug or coffee table in either of our living areas!). I don't like bare walls and unfinished rooms.

Thankfully, the bare walls issue is about to be solved, somewhat. See, tomorrow Kevin will be receiving a bonus from his work. And about a month ago I needed an incentive to not eat any chips and salsa when we went out to Mexican (because I have been known to eat a basket and a half of chips and then whine loudly about how bloated I am), so Kevin said if I didn't eat a single chip, he would give me a portion of his bonus to do with as a I pleased.

So I didn't eat a. single. chip. It was so hard, too! But it was worth it because now I am going be buying ART!!! Woo Hoo! Yippee!! Hip Hip Hooray!! I am soooooo excited. I have spent many hours on Etsy the past several weeks trying to figure out what I wanted.

Things have gone in and out of my cart and at one point I think I had 3 times as many things in there as I do now. I loved everything but wasn't sure where I would put it all. So I have spent a lot of time culling down my cart and am about to show you the proud finalists. These are the ones that I am 99% sure I am going to be purchasing tomorrow.

I shall begin with the most "normal" ones.

They are from artist Angela Vandenbogaard's Etsy Store, Jelly Beans. I love circles and I love blue, green and I love trees, so these prints were a no brainer.

Now moving on to some of the more unusual art. This print from Etsy store Studio Mela makes me so happy. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it yet, but I can't wait to hang it up!

Now for a more "artsy" piece that I am head over heels in love with. The artist is Emily Martin. She has a store called The Black Apple and it is filled with all sorts of fun and whimsical pieces like this. I plan on buying more from her in the future. Lots more.

And last but not least...two pieces that really warm my heart and make me smile. I can barely stand waiting for them to be hanging on my wall. The artist has done a whole series on this little owl, Herbert. I plan to hang them near my bookshelf.

Those are the treasures that are currently hanging out in my Etsy shopping cart. EEK! I am so excited about them. I feel like a small kid right before Christmas.

I love art. Especially from independent artists. I love knowing that I am helping them make a living doing what they love to do. Or at least helping them buy some cute shoes. Cuz if I were an artist I would be spending most of my money on cute shoes.

So if you haven't checked out Etsy should. Pretty much everything and anything is sold there, from art to lipbalm, pottery to clothes & bags, handmade cards to dollhouse miniatures. Oh! and can't forget the jewelry... there is a lot of amazing jewelry.