Phone books are dumb and I hate them

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Phone books. I hate them. They are ugly. They are heavy. They are outdated and LAME.

I mean, c'mon, this is the 21st century and we have this lovely little thing I like to call THE INTERNET. And by using this handy little device I can look up anything I want AND it will give me directions. It's FANTASTIC and it sure beats having to locate a phone book, lug its 5 pound bulk to a table sturdy enough to hold it, thumb though several different locations in order to find what I want AND then if I don't know where it is I have to then use something else (a map or Kevin or Felix, my GPS) to figure that part out.

See, my way is so much less labor intensive and time efficient. Step 1. Google what I want along with the city it is in. Step 2. Wait 5ish seconds and * BAM PRESTO*...there it is along with a map of where it is located.

Ok....don't worry, the phone book rant is almost over....

I just want to there some sort of list I can get on so that I do not receive annoying phone books anymore? Are phone books even recyclable? I do not wish to send my phone books to the land fill if I can recycle them, but I would rather send them to landfill then have them clutter up my house!! Seriously, who has the room to store these small table sized environmental nightmares?!


Phone book company you have displeased me. Don't make me take out a restraining order.


Anonymous said...

We get several phone books. The Mega Book, the Yellow Pages, and theTalking phone book. Then one of them will hand out the small ones that go in your car or amendments to the phone book with extra yellow pages. YES they are recyclable!!! At least thats where mine go save one and if you have a business they give you more than one of each of these unless you call and complain, like I did once, and or refuse to accept them. Or chase the truck down like I did once, only to find out that it was a different company from the one I thought it was and I was stuck with that one too!
I hate the whole phone book thing, Are they using recycled paper????
How many trees have given their all for my recycle bin?

Shelley said...

Aha! I knew I wasn't alone in my hatred of phone books. Everyone I've ever talked to about this looks at me like I'm crazy. Like I should just accept phone books as a fact of life!

I am so glad we are related.

Jennifer P. said...

We can recycle ours here--but I like to leave them around for ripping pages out of to start fires in the fire pit with. I don't imagine you need many fires in Texas though :)!

Love the template on your blog--gorgeous colors!