Moderation...what's that?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Obsess much?

Why yes, yes I do. Especially when it comes to book series and tv series. I am the happiest person in the world when I find a completed book series that I love. It is so satisfying when I can start reading the first book and keep trucking on through the series until I get to the last book, to the last page. I live to find out what happens at the end! Sometimes when the story gets too suspenseful, I turn to the last page and scan for the name of the characters I like…you know, just to make sure they make it! It helps my nerves.

On the flip side, I find it so frustrating when I fall in love with a story and then I have to wait a year or two for the author to write the next book. Or when I get attached to a tv series just to have it canceled in its first season and then I can’t find out what happens in the end. The suspense of not knowing what happens to the characters could drive me crazy, if I let it. But I don't. I create an ending for them and get on with my life. Like every other normal person.

Ok, so I’m telling you all of this so I can tell you about me being currently (as in right this very second) obsessed an older tv series called “The Pretender”. Oh. My. Goodness. It is so awesome. There is this guy, Jared, who is a super genius and because he’s so smart and intuitive blah blah blah he can become whoever he wants to become (doctor, pilot, race car driver, orchestra conductor, biologist etc.) and he uses this ability to help right wrongs and fight injustices.

I remember watching The Pretender back in the day…you know the 90’s. But I had forgotten all about it, then Kevin introduced me to And now that I’ve been reunited with this awesome show, it’s kind of all I want to do. Tonight I’ve watched episode after episode. I want to get to the end and find out what happens.

See, there are two stories going on in each episode. The first centers around a previous injustice that Jared is trying to rectify. And because it's tv, this part gets wrapped up nicely at the end of every episode. But the second story line is ongoing and oh-so-very suspenseful.

When Jared was young, he was taken by the government and his incredible abilities were studied and then used for nefarious purposes and then after he became an adult he escaped them and now they are trying to catch him.

So basically every episode is about him trying to figure out who he is, staying one step ahead of them AND helping out others at the same time. All while being someone really cool….like a fighter pilot.

Every episode sucks me in a little bit more. Who were his parents? Are they really dead? Is his name really Jared?

AH! The suspense!!

Who needs sleep?!

Must. Get. To. The. End.


Kevin said...

Dude... I love that show and I can't believe you're watching it without me! Although... as you're watching them at 3AM I won't get too upset.

Emily said...

I might need to see if I can get this through the library. Since I've now seen GG twice through I'm in need of something else to watch. Too bad I have no self-control, either!

Shelley said...

You should go to I know they have the first 2 seasons and you can watch for free!