
Saturday, May 17, 2008

They say that people who go through some sort of emotionally or physically draining situation (say bootcamp, kidnapping, American Idol) will come through it with a special bond that only they understand and that lasts a lifetime. (well, maybe they say that, I don't know for sure but it sounds good so we're gonna roll with it -k-). And so, according to that reasoning, me and my friend, Lisa, are homies for life.

Yesterday evening, she came over armed with 6 dozen unfrosted, chocolate mini-cupcakes. We then proceeded to spend the next 6 hours creating our very own teeny tiny ladybug army.

We started by frosting them and giving them their little wing line thingy (with rolled fondant).

Then we assembled 60 sets of teeny tiny fondant eyes (pupils included).

After that we attached the 120 teeny tiny eyes on to 60 teeny tiny heads.

We finished up by installing the heads on the the bodies and giving the ladybugs their spots. (If you are keeping count, that would be approximately 360 individual fondant spots).

And then TA DAAAAAAAA our very own little ladybug army.
(They are smiling because they don't know what is going to happen to them. Muahahahahaaaaa).

We literally spent from 7 in the evening until 1 in the morning, working non-stop before we were done and our little ladybug army was finished and ready to march into people's stomachs. We had lots of laughs, frustrations, delirium and we are now bonded for life. And as an added bonus, we learned lots of what we would/could/should do differently IF we ever decide to make these little lovlies again.


Anonymous said...

Adorable!!! what were the heads made of?

Shelley said...

The heads are made out of time we'd take Hershey's kisses and get 'em warm and roll 'em into a ball.

Meggie said...

I love them!!! I would say eat one for me... but I'm sure they're already eaten up!
I miss you girl!