The reason I need a better camera

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We are currently in San Antonio. And lovin' it. Last night we went down to the uber touristy but so beautiful and captivating River Walk. I really wish our hotel was closer because I could spend HOURS just people watching and enjoying the scenery. And eating Hagen Daaz pistachio ice cream.

Last night, it was really really humid and there was kind of a mist in the air and the sun was doing that really pretty golden glow thing it does. Wow. Gorgeous. My lil camera and pathetic photographing skills don't do it justice but here are a couple of my favorites.

(ARGH. Kevin just gave me Photoshop Elements but I am not smart enough to figure out how to get the photos that I edited into this blog post. So you are going to have to settle for the ones from my basic “came with the computer” photo edited shots. Beh.)

See! PRETTY!!!

We took some other pictures too but I don't have a whole lot going on in my life right now, so I'm going to pace myself so I have something to talk about later.


Anonymous said...

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Thanks for Blue letter

Nicole said...

I'm pretty sure I've been to that river walk too! I loved it :-)