Today is Tuesday

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today I am not doing a whole lot. Mostly just relaxing and trying to get rid of the "cough that will not die".

Cough cough cooooooooough



cough cough


I am also spending some time at the Blue Letter Bible Institute. It's a pretty great place that offers online Bible courses for free. And the classes aren't cheesy or watered down. They are challenging and packed full o' truth. I love them because they have MP3's of an actual class being taught that I can listen to along with pdf's of the course text.

You can go here for a little more info. (But only if you want pressure.)

I'm currently studying "Growing in the Grace of God" taught by Bob Hoekstra. It has been eye-opening and very spiritually enriching thus far. I love learning from a class but not having to actually attend. There are tests after each section but you don't have to take them, if you don't wanna. Yah, so far I don't wanna. But I think I will eventually go over each lesson again and take the tests just to help ingrain the knowledge further into me.

The Blue Letter Bible Institute is part of Blue Letter Bible. I have found BLB to be an excellent resource for Bible research or whenever I'm having one of those moments when I can remember only a few words from a verse and want to find the rest of it and it's address. There are even many different translations available along with search options, study tools etc.

So, basically, what I'm saying is that it is pretty cool and you should head over there some time and check them out.

Alrighty, well, I'm off to go cough some more.

And perhaps bang my head on the wall hard enough to knock me out so I can stop COUGHING for 10 minutes.