Spaz... it's the new normal

Friday, May 23, 2008

Once, when Kevin and I were either still dating or newly engaged, we were driving around in his car one night, I don’t really remember where we were going or why. But I all of a sudden did something that I normally only did when I was by myself (NO…not picking my nose…which I NEVER do).

I sang.

But it was less singing and more humming with noises…kind of “la la laaaa” semi-melodically.

I was a little mortified and embarrassed that I had just done that in front of him. But he didn’t really seem to notice. And I was way less embarrassed that I thought I should be. It was then it hit me that I was just so comfortable being with him that I didn’t realize he was there. And that was a good thing.

It was really comforting to know that I could be that at ease with another person.

Fast forward 7ish years to last night.

Kevin and I were watching tv. He was on the sofa and for some reason I was chilling on the loveseat. We normally sit next to each other but not last night. The reason this is important is that he had the remote control with him on the sofa.

Ok…so…Kevin gets up during a commercial break to fiddle with the thermostat thus leaving the remote control behind. This would have been no big deal except that a preview for a new scary movie comes on. This preview is one that has given me nightmares for days after I watched it. When I see the first second of it, I either have to mute it or change the channel or something QUICK QUICK QUICK. This preview FREAKS ME OUT.

Now, Kevin didn’t have the remote…I didn’t have the remote and I cannot jump up and grab the remote and change the channel because "Jabba the 20 lb cat" is sitting on me…..what to do ! what to do!!!

I started yelling “ LA LA LA LA LA LA LA” while covering my face with my hands (because just closing my eyes isn’t good enough). I figured Kevin would turn around and see what was bothering me and mute it or change the channel or something.


After about 10 seconds of yelling “LA LA LA LA” with my hands over my face, I start to feel silly and wonder why he hasn’t said it’s safe yet. So I peek through my fingers to see what he is doing.

People….he hadn’t even turned around. Apparently, having his wife yell random syllables is so commonplace for him that he didn’t even feel the need to see why.

Now, at first, I was kind of sad and slightly irritated. But then I started laughing hysterically because I realized me yelling “LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAA” was so normal for him that he wouldn’t even turn around to see why. I am seriously such a spaz so often that it doesn’t even warrant him turning around anymore.

And now our relationship has kind of come full circle. I’m comfortable enough to “LA La LAAA” whenever I want to….and he’s comfortable enough to ignore it.


Nicole said...

Hahaha thats funny! What movie add was it? Is it the Strangers add? Cuz that add kinda freaks me out too, but I really wanna see the movie :-)

Shelley said...'s that one. I would never be able to be home by myself ever again. Plus, I'd like to own a home on some acreage some day. Just the preview for that movie makes me want to move into an apartment into downtown Dallas and never go into the country/mountains EVER AGAIN!

I totally don't get how you can watch scary movies.

Nicole said...

Hahaha I know I'm crazy. I just like the suspense and all of that. Its weird. I've seen that add like ten times now and I'm going to my cabin in Cascade this weekend, and you'd think I'd be scared to go, right? Oh no lol.
I've gotten Tyler into scary movies now too! He used to HATE them, but I've made him watch them enough times with me, so he doesn't mind them as much now. I just tell myself over and over that its not real if I start to get scared, but its funny cuz the ones that are true stories, like this Strangers one, I like the most, because I think its crazy that it ACTUALLY happened, and they're more interesting to me. I dunno... I must be crazy :-)

Emily said...

Where are you?

Shelley said...

I'm in Texas...where are you?

Chris said...

That cracked me up. If the house is on fire, NEVER yell, "La la la la la!". Thanks for stopping by! ;-)