Loose Ends & Fancy Ding Dongs

Thursday, July 31, 2008

So I have a headache today and am not feeling particularly humorous or creative so I figured I could tie up a couple loose ends.

I have had several inquiries as to what ended up happening with the great bird siege of ’08. (Here's where it all started if you don't know about it.)

Here’s what happened. I won.

It was a long drawn out battle, though. See, long after they had stopped trying to build their filthy little nests on my porch, I had one little fella that still kept coming to sleep on the light fixture on the patio and every other night I would turn on the light to see if he was still there and he’d look around all wide eyed like the world was coming to an end and I’d chuckle and turn the light off. And then I’d turn it back on again because I’m 12 like that and the sight of a bird all fluffed up and confused about why it’s suddenly morning under his feet makes me giggle. But the night that I finally decided to take a picture of him in his state of fluffy confusion he wasn’t there anymore and, no, I’m not sure if he was really a “he” and not a “she” but I always called him a he so that’s that.

Where was I going with that rambling narrative? Oh, no more siege. The last bird is gone. I win. Neener neener, birds!

Next, I wrote this post about being lonely. Well, I can say I’m not really all that lonely anymore. Once Kevin and I started going to our Adult Bible Study Fellowship thing on a regular basis I felt less lonely and isolated. Even though we really haven’t made any “friends” yet we are taking steps to head that way. And just taking that proactive step alleviates the lonely feeling quite a bit, surprisingly. Unfortunately, even though I know how much it helps, it’s still a struggle to go because I’m kind of shy and it’s quite a big step out of my comfort zone. I get butterflies in my stomach every Sunday at the same stoplight during the drive to church and have to fight the feeling of wanting to ask Kevin to take me to breakfast instead. But I work through it and it’s worth it. Every week gets easier.

Talking about getting out of my comfort zone…I got way out of it this past Sunday when we went the potluck our group was having after class. Eep! Mingling! Small talk! Weird pot luck food made by strangers. But I knew that I needed to do it and just sucked it up and gave it my best. I think I did alright considering I was still way tired and was having flashbacks to high school and being the uncool kid in the cafeteria with no one to talk to!

Anyhow, we were asked to bring a dessert and I didn’t want to just go buy something from the store so I thought and thought about what I could make that wouldn’t take forever and would taste awesome.

The answer: cupcakes.

Specifically, chocolate cupcakes with a chocolate chip/cream cheese filling. I highly recommend them because they were amAAAAAAzing! Easy as 123 and everyone loved them so much they went quick quick quick.

You want to make them? Well, you take a box of chocolate cake mix and do what it says.


Take a thing of cream cheese, an egg, ½ cup o’ sugar and a ½ cup to a cup o’ chocolate chips and beat until creamy.


Drop a spoonful of the mix on top of each of the cups of cupcake batter and bake according to what the box tells you. The cream cheese mix will sink into the middle like tasty magic.


When the cupcakes are right out of the oven and WARM sprinkle some chocolate chips on top so they’ll melt a little and stick to the top.

Ta Daaaaaa… a delicious sophisticated version of the Ding Dong.

You’re welcome.


Emily said...

You're amazing! I really really want those cupcakes. I might just need to make some. Maybe I have a chocolate cake mix. Yummo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the bird update. Let us know how next spring goes! hehehe
Wow those cupcakes sound awesome, and I love cream cheese, what a cool combo. I must try them.

Anonymous said...

Hm, those do sound good. I'll have to talk nicole into making them:-)

I think I would have befriended that little bird. But that's just me. Lonely bird + lonely person = no more loneliness:-)

Shelley said...

Tyler...that little bird pooped all over my porch and screeched every morning at 6 and woke me up. He was obnoxious and flithy. And if I didn't spray off the porch often enough from his poop then bugs would come and eat it and it was so disgusting. Soooooooooooo while he was cute, he and I had different standards of cleanliness and since I was the one paying rent...he had to go!

And yes everyone, you have to make these cupcakes!! BUT please first make sure you have somewhere to take them or else you will be tempted to eat them all!

Anonymous said...

I see I see. Poop is not cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey how much is a thing??
Cause I love cream cheese and it come in different size things. I will make these fancy ding dongs but I make no promises about taking them somewhere to share. Antie

Shelley said...

ha ha...I think it's 8oz.