Water Weight: I lost some

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I didn't get up early enough to beat the heat on my daily walk this morning, so I didn't go. I thought maybe I could finagle Kevin into going with me this evening. But then I remembered how much the mosquitos enjoyed our last evening walk and figured I'd just skip the walk altogether today and try again tomorrow. But about 45ish minutes ago a nice strong breeze kicked up and some cloud cover rolled in and I thought I'd give it a try.

Sometimes I think if my brain and body could duke it out they would.

I was alright for the first 60% of my walk. I even got a little cocky about how well things were going and how I wasn't really all that hot at all. Then all of a sudden things got a little fuzzy and the breeze that was doing a very adequate job of cooling me down suddenly wasn't doing jack squat. I started wondering what the difference was between heat rash and heat stroke. And I thought that if I was wondering about that perhaps I should cut my walk short.

So I called Kevin to come get me.

And he did.

I'm currently at home considering how to fit into my freezer.


Traci said...

That's so funny because I'm here trying to figure out how to fit in our freezer!

Seriously with the humidity and heat. I don't know how you survive. I totally feel for you my friend!

Wait. I forgot that I used to live in Florida. I just refused to go outside for two years.

I walked outside today for maybe a half hour at most (from the metro to the store to the apartment, etc.) and was sweating buckets and buckets by the time I got home. I think I've definitely ruined at least one bra.

And! The thing I really really hate about the weather? That I have to wear shorts. There's just no way around it. And I hate wearing shorts!

Rant over. Sorry about the water loss. :)

Shelley said...

Traci, have you discovered the wonderfulness that is the bermuda short? They are totally saving my butt this summer because I'm not a fan of shorts either and in the dry heat I can get away with jeans, tanks and flip flops but down here jeans make me think that being a nudist wouldn't be so bad! And the humidity here isn't nearly as bad as it is further south in Houston (or Florida).

Hope you adjust a little bit to the humidity so you can enjoy your time there more! I'm looking forward to seeing some more beautiful photos and hear Traci's take on Taiwan!

Heather said...

It sounded good in theory!!

Traci said...

Thanks Shelley. And yes, I have discovered the bermuda short...and yes, they are the most wonder discovery in the short field since...um...pants. I still have to deal with the cankle problem though. I haven't figured out how to wear shorts and shoes that don't accentuate that!

Faithicus said...
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Faithicus said...

lol. sounds like florida !
i have found myself contemplating
a brief freezer nap as well. But I would have to do alot more walking to fit in there... so I opt for a
icy shower. Painfully invigorating!

so glad kevin went to pick you up.
what a good hubby. :)

hmm..so that's how you spell finagle.

Mari said...

I never knew what it meant to hyperventilate until it happened to me. I always thought that "those" people did it on purpose. I was doing alittle work in my crawl space in the attic of our house on July (brilliant huh?). When I realized that I was extremely hot. I could hear the sweat roll off me and hit the insillation paper. So I jumped down and got in a cold shower clothes and all. That's when I figured out that "those" people were in fact for real.

Mari said...

sorry. that last post was from me, TJ. I didn't realize that I was logged in under Mari