Because she's cute and I have writer's block

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I don’t have a whole lot going on in my brain today so I was going to post some more pictures of my trip to Idaho. But after perusing the photos I took I realized that I’d already posted most of them and that all I had left were 2 pictures of me and my adorable sister-in-law, Monica.

See! Isn’t she adorable? I think she looks like Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. Although in these photos she looks a little Pocohantas-ish. What do you think?

She was so sweet and drove across town twice to hang out with me and my mom at my parents' house. We had a great time making jewelry and talking about whatever girls talk about when they get together. It was awesome to get to know her better. She's one of the coolest people I know and I'm very glad that she consented to marry my little brother.

Well, I guess I could go on and on about how cool Monica is but that might creep her out so I think I'll end this post now.


Emily said...

She is very cute :-)

Anonymous said...

I love it that our family enjoys spending time with each other. Thanks for the great pics of you both!

Shelley said...

Yah, it's pretty awesome how well we all get along and stuff. Kevin and I are super excited to see you all for Thanksgiving. We talk about it like once a week.

Monica W. said...

Blee, I finally read your post about me :-0 I am flattered and think that if I look like Princess Jasmine then you look like Belle from beauty and the beast :-)