My Own Personal Super Hero

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Kevin saved the day! I don't know what he did but I have my wi-fi back. Hip hip hoooray! I am once again free to roam about the house with my laptop.

Sadly...he is unable to install our new faucet. So we are still without water in the kitchen and will be until Monday when the plumber can come. This is making life a little interesting. I never knew how truly handy that water thingy on the front of the fridge would be! Cold filtered water to drink AND to wet my sponge so I can wipe up that Dr. Pepper I just spilled all over the floor!

Ok, well...that's it for now. But check back tomorrow when I tell you about some really great deals Kevin and I have recently found.

See ya then!

**Edited to add that Kevin just corrected me to say that the plumber is supposed to be here on Sunday. But I don't believe him. I've never heard of a plumber working on the weekend unless there was copious amounts of water squirting everywhere. And that is definitely not the case here. So we'll see. I'll keep you posted on the status of the faucet because I know how this will be weighing on your mind and I don't want that. Go watch some Last Comic Standing to keep your mind off it.


Emily said...

deals, eh? I always love a good deal! Cant' wait to hear about them!