Trauma and Drama

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am so sorry for my extended absence. I didn't intend to be away any longer than the weekend but then we ended up in the dark ages. Ok...well not the dark ages but a hotel without Wi-Fi which in this day and age is eerily like the dark ages. And, yes, there was the option to connect to the internet via cable...but only one computer per room. Since it was for a business trip for Kevin, he of course, had dibs. Poo.

So then I get home all twitchy from not being online for a couple days and what computer decided that Wi-Fi is sooo last week. It refuses to acknowledge that Wi-Fi is even an option. It's all Wi-Fi...what's that? No, thank you.

So I decided it was time to track down all the warranty info for it. And can I find it?


I can find my tax information for 1994.

I can find some sort of official documentation for a mo-ped that Kevin had for about 6 months and then sold to his brother who had it for about 4 months before he then sold it.

I can find stuff for phones and other small electronics that we no longer own.

But for my most beloved possession, my lifeline to the outside world, the wind beneath my wings...nuthin' at all.

Let's just say that this lead to something of a small melt down.

My husband is currently tracking down our options with some online chat help center thingamajig.

He's just informed me that they want him to open up my laptop and dig around for something. I just threw up in my mouth a little. He's now asking for other options because there's NO WAY he's about to perform surgery on my baby. Nuh. UH.

For now, my Wi-Fi wings have been clipped and I'm chained to the wall. This means that I'm currently sitting on the floor of our living room blogging this (because the ethernet cable is so short and won't reach to the couch). Kevin says that tomorrow he can change where the modem is so that I can sit on my favorite chair. butt is starting to fall asleep so I'm outy, peeps!


Emily said...

Dang! That would totally stick! Sorry, hun!