Going backwards

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ok well, we are now completely back from vacation. Yesterday was spent on the couch acting like zombies in our fancy new In "n" Out shirts catching up on all of our shows which premiered whilst we were traipsing about Southern California. But we didn't feel at all badly about our zombiness since we didn't get home until 3 o'clock Sunday night/Monday morning due to wonderful United Airline and 2 hours worth of delays caused by maintenance issues (which included sitting on the tarmac for 40 minutes during which time they fixed a lavatory flushing issue. A lavatory which no one used because we all passed out from exhaustion the minute the flight took off).

After a full day's recovery I am now ready to blog about my trip but in order to tell the vacation story from the beginning I'd need to take pictures of some of my loot from San Francisco and I'm feeling lazy. Instead, I will start with our last day and move backwards.

We didn't fly out of Los Angeles until 5ish on Sunday so after we stuffed all our crap, er, treasured possessions, back in our suitcases we headed over to Huntington Beach. Once we got there we discovered it to be crazy foggy. I actually love the beach best when it's foggy. The fog makes it seems very mysterious and enchanting.

We walked along the foggy beach for a while and then we came to the pier. It was cool looking in the fog so I took some pictures. Makes me want a much better camera but this is what I have so this is what you get.

Here they are.

All the walking around in the fog made us hungry so we went to In 'n' Out for some yummy burgers and fries (and t-shirts). We still had some time to kill after we ate so we headed back to the beach. By that time the fog had burned off and it was a beautiful day. We walked down by the water and I collected some teeny tiny sea shells, which I didn't photograph so you'll just have to use your imagination. But I do have some photos of us by the water.

If you are looking at these pictures and thinking..."Girl! Where are your sunglasses! You are very squinty!" I'll tell you where they are. In a trashcan in Disneyland because they broke. It's the curse of Disney. Every time we go to Disney my sunglasses break and because I have a very small head and am very picky with my eyewear, finding replacement sunglasses is a chore/impossible. And even though I tried on every single pair of sunglasses in all of Disneyland there were none that fit my head that I would be seen in public wearing. So I was Squinty McSquinterson and picked up some more wrinkles. Bleh.

Where was I? OH....so after walking for a while I wanted to sit in the sand and just soak in the sun and scenery.

And take pictures of what I saw.

Like my flip flops. They are very cute and new. Kevin bought them for me at Disneyland. They are my only Disney souvenir (besides some new crows feet).

And a distant sailboat. It's very teeny (not in real life...just in the picture) out there in the middle. Do you see it?

AND THEN! We saw a guy kite boarding or is it kite sailing? I can never remember. But now Kevin and I really really want to do it. We live right by a lake and see people do it all the time but after watching this guy we are going to do it for sure next summer.

I think it looks WAY more fun than surfing. That guy was very zippy all over the place. PLUS he didn't have to paddle around in the water looking like a seal for all the sharks to want to munch on.

Being around all that water made me realize how much I really had to pee so we decided it was time to head to the airport.

Then End.


Nicole said...

Great pictures!! The pier looked fun! I love walking on piers! And ya the fog does make it mysterious :-)
And kite boarding does look fun!! Tyler and I watched people do it al the time in Hawaii last year and it looks super fun! Hope you guys try it!

Emily said...

What a wonderful last day! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!!

Anonymous said...

I know I have seen the Golden Gate Bridge in the fog.. but never been on the beach in it. That does look fun! I LOVE the beach. And haven't been to one since our cruise:-( sad day.

Glad you guys had fun!

Faithicus said...

sweet. welcome home. glad you are both safe and sound and fun was had by all. look forward to hearing more about it and seeing the pics. :)

Meggie said...

It looks like you had a great time!!! Did you miss us at Disneyland? :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics!!! I am a big beach person.
So glad your both home!!!