Just a quicky

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hello Peeps!

It's been forever since I've written and, boy oh boy, do I have stuff to talk about. But not right now. I don't have time for more than a quicky update to say "HI!!" and to let you know that I am still alive and doing fine!

The reason I don't have a whole lot of time to talk is because right now I'm sitting in the Denver Airport while we wait for our stupid plane that has been delayed an hour and Kevin is off finding food so I have the laptop all to myself for a few minutes MUAHAHAHAA. (Can just state for the record how much I do not enjoy sharing. I do not.) But when he gets back he will snatch it away because apparently big things are happening in the world of fantasy football. There are scores to be check and points to be gloated over.

Hmmm...he's taking longer in his food foraging than I thought. Maybe I have time for a quick story.

Nope. I don't he just got back.

So instead I will leave you with a cute photo of us from my first Major League Baseball game.


Anonymous said...

So did you enjoy the baseball game? Or no?

I know Nicole enjoys going to them MUCH more than watching them on T.V. Or at least she pretended to be excited when we went to a Mariners game last year:-/ haha.

Emily said...

1st major league baseball game? How come you were able to put that off for over 6 years of marriage to Kevin? Hope you had fun!

Nicole said...

CUTE picture! :-)
And that was your FIRST mlb game?? Weird! I've been to a bunch and they're fun, not as boring as watching them on tv. I HATE watching them on tv haha.

Shelley said...

I did actually enjoy the baseball game very much. I didn't think I would because I'd been to Boise Hawks games and those are B.O.R.I.N.G. and I figured it would be just like those with more people.

But it wasn't.

It was much cooler. I wouldn't mind going to more. I guess Dallas has a team so maybe we'll go next year.

As to how I'd managed to not go to one up to this point in my life. Very easily. By managing not to go to cities that had major league baseball or by going to cities that did but it wasn't baseball season or the teams weren't there when we were.