The Getty and more fog - LOTS of pictures!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

On the second to last day of our vacation (Saturday) we went to the Getty Museum. It was AMAZING. By the time we were done with our visit I was so visually overstimulated that I felt full. It was weird and hard to explain. But it was a really wonderful place and I loved every second of being there.

The worst part was not being able to touch anything. I literally had to walk with my hands behind my back or with both hands grasping my camera. It was so hard because I wanted to experience everything with all of my senses. Especially because they had an amazing collection of sculptures...including an entire exhibit of Bernini's. I didn't get any photos of those, though, because there were TOO MANY people and I started to get a little claustrophobic :(

I did get this guy, though. He's breathtaking.

And this guy...who looks so pissed's incredible. He looks how I feel when people are obnoxious drivers.

They had some great paintings too, including some Monet's and Manets and a few Degas'...but this painting captured my heart entirely and literally made me want to cry. It's so beautiful. Her goodness. In person it's just so....I don't have words. I love it. LOOOOOVE it.

This painting was just crazy. The colors were so looked photoshopped.

It's a fairly small museum so we were able to see most everything in a few hours and then we headed outdoors. It was truly one of the most beautiful days ever.

After not being able to touch anything, I really needed a tactile experience and there was this incredible lawn that I really really wanted to walk on but I figured I wouldn't be able to (earlier I had taken off one of my flip flops just to touch it with my foot when I thought no one was looking). BUT THEN! I saw all of these people sitting on it, walking on it and my heart jumped! I was so excited.

I couldn't wait to take off my flops and get my feet on that grass. Seriously, people. I am not joking when I say that this grass was AWESOME. I want it in my backyard. RIGHT NOW.

As we were sitting there I got obsessed with our feet and the grass.

And our flip flops.

I think we got a little goofy from all the sun and took some silly pictures. Can you see me in the photo below?

I made Kevin be my model. he he

And then he took the camera away. pfft.

I could have happily sat there for hours but Kev got hungry so we headed back to the tram to take us to the parking lot. And I was still slighty obsessed with our feet.

When we got off the tram, I realized that there was a cool sculpture garden and unfortunately Kevin made me pose for a picture. PFFT. I was having a very bad hair day. But the scenery is pretty!

And then he made me pretend to stick my hand in this crazy sculpture.

And I really really wanted to touch this horse. But of course, no touchy allowed!

After we left the Getty we tried to find food for Kevin but the In 'N' Out closest to us was very tricky and we couldn't figure out how to get into the drive through (it was surrounded by one way alleys, very weird). So we headed North to Carpinteria to meet up with some friends of Kevin's and have a bonfire at the beach. It was a truly beautiful drive. The coast was socked in with fog and we would drive in and out of it on the way there.

The pictures only barely capture how cool it looked. It felt like something out of an adventure movie.

I wish I had pictures of our wonderful evening beach bonfire but I left my camera in the car so there are none. But it was the perfect way to spend our last night of vacation plus I was introduced to the wonders of cheddar cheese on my hot dog!

ps....if you click on any of my photos they will open in another window and be much bigger.


Kevin said...

The photos turned out awesome! Nicely done!

Emily said...

Again, looks like another fun day!!

Traci said...

ahhhh...I LOVE the Getty. So peaceful. And that grass looks way too green to be real. Straight out of the Pushing Daisies set.

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

The grass reminded me of a green on a golf course.

Looks like you guys had too much fun on this trip. Not fair.

Was this a vacation, or did Kevin have business?

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
These pictures were wonderful !
Your comments of the vaccation made it a little journey for me!
Hope Dad and I can go one day...

Jealous of the grass....

Loved the pictures of your feet together!
Miss ya

Kevin said...

Tyler... it was a 'Mullet Trip'... business in the front, party in the back!